Capítulo 8: As inesperadas e acaloradas disputas para a escolha da sede do 3° Congresso Mundial

A escolha de Foz do Iguaçu se deu a partir de uma proposta por mim feita aos membros da LASPGHAN em uma reunião realizada em Buenos Aires em outubro de 2002. Considerando que eu já havia sido eleito presidente do evento por consenso dos associados desde a criação da FISPGHAN, passei a ter desde aquela nomeação a preocupação de propor um local ideal para sediar o Congresso. Estava diante de um grande dilema porque poderia oferecer como sede a minha cidade, porém isto não me satisfazia, porque com exceção do Brasil todos os outros países latino-americanos têm como idioma oficial o espanhol, poderia parecer uma imposição pouco simpática a aqueles que me elegeram para presidir o evento, a obrigatoriedade de vir a um local cujo idioma é o português, fato que soava para mim um tanto quanto arrogante. Esta inquietação me afligia constantemente, até que um dia caminhando pelas ruas de Buenos Aires tive um súbito pensamento, Foz do Iguaçu surgiu como uma solução mágica, pois agradaria a toda nossa Sociedade, e como está localizada na tríplice fronteira, daria uma atmosfera de autêntica representatividade latina que eu gostaria que fosse por todos sentida. Nesta reunião em Buenos Aires inúmeros questionamentos surgiram quanto às condições de infra-estrutura disponíveis para a realização de um evento de tal relevância. Para responder a estas dúvidas eu possuía dois argumentos adicionais ao da tríplice fronteira, o primeiro deles dizia a meu respeito, pois em 1988 havia visitado o local e havia ficado encantado com as belezas naturais extasiantes oferecidas aos olhos dos visitantes, e, em segundo lugar, eu havia sido informado pouco tempo antes deste encontro em Buenos Aires pelo meu filho Uly, que havia participado de um congresso sobre nutrição enteral e parenteral, que as condições de infra-estrutura locais eram excelentes. Isto posto, tinha a resposta adequada para ser dada aos meus pares, que inclusive com um misto de surpresa e alegria aprovaram condicionalmente a ideia. Para comprovar que minha argumentação era verídica foi marcada uma visita ao local pelo presidente da LASPGHAN, Joaquin Kohn, a qual se deu em dezembro de 2002. Esta visita revestiu-se de um êxito total e o deixou totalmente convencido das plenas condições locais para servir de sede do Mundial. A partir desta visita de Joaquin Kohn foi elaborado um comunicado aos associados da LASPGHAN confirmando a escolha do local do evento. Infelizmente, como se verá adiante, para minha surpresa, esta proposta não foi de toda aceita em uma primeira ocasião e gerou inúmeras celeumas, mas ao longo da jornada teve um desfecho favorável.

Vale enfatizar que mesmo após Foz do Iguaçu ter sido eleita para sede do Congresso Mundial, pelos membros da LASPGHAN, tivemos que passar por um severo escrutínio internacional para poder comprovar nossa capacidade de organizar o evento de forma aceitável pelos exigentes padrões da FISPGHAN. Para que tivéssemos a aprovação final da sede do evento mais duas visitas ao longo dos anos, em 2003 e 2004, foram realizadas por uma comissão da FISPGHAN, para avaliar a viabilidade de infra-estrutura da cidade, da rede hoteleira, dos recursos de área física para acolher um grande número de participantes, bem como as facilidades disponíveis de meios de transporte para o acesso a Foz do Iguaçú.  Para nossa satisfação, vale ressaltar que todos os membros destas comitivas se confessaram extasiados com as maravilhas e as exuberâncias da natureza da região, bem como foram aprovadas com rasgados elogios as condições de infra-estrutura oferecidas para sediar o Congresso Mundial (Figuras).

Esta verdadeira saga que tantas polêmicas gerou, está descrita a seguir com riqueza de detalhes e dentro da mais aproximada sequência cronológica possível.

Sociedad Latinoamericana de Gastroenterología Pediátrica, Hepatología y Nutrición

Sociedade Latino-americana de Gastroenterologia Pediátrica, Hepatología e Nutrição

Latin American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition

A todos los integrantes de la DIRECTORIA de la Sociedad Latinoamericana de Gastroenterología Pediátrica, Hepatología y Nutrición

Queridos amigos:

En nombre del Comité Ejecutivo de nuestra Sociedad quiero hacer un breve resumen de lo actuado desde nuestra designación en la conducción de la misma, en oportunidad de la asamblea realizada durante el transcurso del XIV Congreso de la Sociedad Latinoamericana de Gastroenterología Pediátrica, Hepatología y Nutrición, en junio de 2001.

Desde ese tiempo hasta la fecha hemos trabajado conjuntamente con nuestros representantes en la FISPGHAN (Dr. Isidoro Joaquin Kohn como Presidente de la Sociedad, y Dr. Ulysses Fagundes Neto como representante electo), en conjunción con nuestras Sociedades hermanas [Asian Pan-Pacific Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (APPSPGHAN), the European Society for Pædiatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN), the Latin American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (LASPGHAN) and the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition (NASPGN)] en la organización del II Congreso Mundial de la especialidad, el cual se realizará en Julio 2004 en París.

Como parte de nuestras responsabilidades compartidas se hicieron propuestas para las diferentes temáticas a desarrollar en los WG, se designaron 2 representantes al Comité Científico, representantes para la integración de los Working Groups, y se participó de la reunión de FISPGHAN realizada en Taormina en junio 2002 en ocasión de la realización del Congreso de la Sociedad Europea en donde se definió la realización de una publicación oficial de FISPGHAN (FISPGHAN International Seminars), cuyo Editor Principal será el Dr. Harland Winter, habiéndose nominado a 2 representantes de cada Sociedad para integrar el Comité Editorial.

A los fines mencionados, y luego de realizadas las respectivas consultas, y siempre teniendo en cuenta el criterio de ampliar la participación a todos los países que integran nuestra Sociedad, más la necesidad de un amplio conocimiento del idioma inglés, se nominó a las Dras. Themis da Silveira (Brasil) y Ziomara Reeves de Balbarrey (Argentina) como representantes al Comité Científico, y a los Dres. Eduardo Salazar Lindo (Perú) y Jaime Belkind Gerson (México) para el Comité Editorial (en este último caso debían excluirse los actuales funcionarios de las respectivas Sociedades (“and not be current officers of the Society”), y se propuso una amplia y abarcativa nómina de representantes de nuestra Sociedad para integrar los Working Groups.

También se trabajó en la propuesta para definir la sede del III Congreso Mundial, cuya responsabilidad le compete a nuestra Sociedad. En este sentido, se pensó en una sede que fuera representativa de la historia de la Sociedad LA, y en ocasión del Congreso Argentino de la especialidad que se realizó en Octubre de 2002 se consensuó la posibilidad de proponer a Iguazú  como sede de dicho Congreso, con el criterio de que significaba un lugar abarcativo de los principales países que constituyeron el “numen” de las Sociedad LA (Argentina, Brasil, Uruguay), más la proximidad de otros países tales como Paraguay, Chile, Perú y en general del resto de América del Sur y de Centro América, y con la posibilidad de que pudiera tener un costo accesible para los integrantes de nuestra Sociedad.

Esta posibilidad fue bien aceptada por representantes de distintos países LA presentes en la reunión de BsAs (Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Perú, Uruguay), con el requisito de que se evaluaran las condicioness fácticas para la realización de un congreso con una asistencia estimada en alrededor de 3000 personas.

Conjuntamente con el Dr. Ulysses Fagundes Neto realizamos una visita a Iguazú en Diciembre de 2002 para evaluar la capacidad instalada. En uno de los hoteles que visitamos del lado de Foz de Iguacu (MABU TERMAS & RESORT) disponen de capacidad instalada suficiente para la realización del evento, ya que tienen un auditorio con capacidad para 1500 asistentes (sectorizable en 3 salones de 500), otros 2 (también sectorizables) con capacidad para 320 asistentes, y está en avanzado estado de construcción (previsto para finalizar en el curso del año 2003) otro salón con capacidad para 3000 asistentes.  Esto equivale a decir que en un solo hotel se puede realizar un congreso para 5000 personas.  Por otra parte, si esto fuera insuficiente, a 100 metros de distancia hay otro hotel con salones con capacidad para 1200 asistentes (BOURBON). En la misma área, que se extiende por alrededor de 1 Km, hay una oferta de aproximadamente 12000 camas disponibles, sin contar con la oferta de las ciudades de Foz de Iguaçú (lado brasileño) y de Puerto Iguazú (lado argentino).

Simultáneamente se chequeó la oferta turística del área, que además de ofrecer el espectáculo inigualable de las cataratas del río Iguazú con sus vistas desde el lado brasileño y argentino, ofrece variadas posibilidades (paseos por el río, por la selva sub-tropical, parque de pájaros exóticos, etc) para un excelente programa tanto para los asistentes como para sus familias.

También el Dr. Fagundes Neto realizó contactos con la Empresa Varig (líneas aéreas), quienes certificaron la posibilidad del traslado sin inconvenientes desde San Pablo a Foz de Iguacú de 3 a 4000 personas en 24 a 48 hs, a lo que se suma la disponibilidad de traslado desde Buenos Aires, Córdoba o Asunción.

Finalmente, se realizaron contactos con empresas locales dedicadas a la organi-zación de congresos, las que demostraron tener amplia capacidad y experiencia en la organización de este tipo de eventos internacionales, los cuales por otra parte, son frecuentes en esta región.

Desde el punto de vista económico, la organización sería importantemente menos onerosa que en grandes ciudades, y la oferta hotelera, a valores actuales, estaría en el orden de los 20 a 80 U$S diarios para los asistentes al mismo.

Existe también otra propuesta para la realización de este evento en Cancún, la cual es sostenida por colegas de México y EEUU, en donde aparentemente también se contaría con infraestructura suficiente para esta clase de eventos, con las también conocidos propuestas turísticas de dicha región.

Es opinión de este Comité Ejecutivo que la propuesta de Foz de Iguacú reconoce los orígenes históricos de nuestra Sociedad, es accesible a la realidad económica latinoamericana, garantiza una excelente accesibilidad para todos los miembros de nuestra sociedad, y llena todos los requisitos necesarios en cuanto a infraestructura y transportación, con una adecuada relación calidad-costos como para desarrollar un excelente evento de nivel internacional con costos afrontables. Por esta razón este Comité Ejecutivo, con el consenso ya alcanzado con repre-sentantes de varios de los países que integran nuestra Sociedad, pone a conside-ración de la Directoría de la SLAGPHN esta propuesta concreta, con la finalidad de poder llevar a la próxima reunión de la FISPGHAN a realizarse en Praga en junio del corriente año una posición consensuada de nuestra Sociedad.

Consecuentemente con la propuesta anterior, realizamos la nominación del Dr. Ulysses Fagundes Neto para la Presidencia del III Congreso Mundial. Las razones para esta nominación se basan en su reconocida participación y actuación en al seno de la SLAGPHN desde las instancias fundacionales de la misma en 1974, en su fundamental accionar para la concreción de los congresos mundiales de la especialidad desde el año 1994 hasta la realización del I Congreso Mundial en Boston en el año 2000, en su participación en la fundación de la Federación Internacional en agosto de 2000, habiendo sido presidente del XII Congreso de SLAGPHN realizado en San Pablo en 1996, presidente de nuestra Sociedad en el período 1996-1998, y representante electo por nuestra Sociedad en FISPGHAN desde agosto de 2000 hasta la fecha, además de haber organizado y presidido la Primera y Segunda “Conferencia Internacional de Gastroenterología, Hepatología y Nutrición en Pediatría” realizados en los años 1999 y 2001 en San Pablo, y finalmente en su jerarquía académica (Profesor Titular y Jefe del Departamento de Pediatría de la Universidad Federal de San Pablo, Brasil).

En función de la necesidad de concretar la propuesta de nuestra Sociedad en la próxima reunión de FISPGHAN, deberíamos contar con las respuestas de nuestros representantes (vice-presidentes y vocales) antes del 15-3-03, con la finalidad de estructurar en forma adecuada la presentación a realizar ante la Federación Internacional.

Es opinión de este Comité Ejecutivo que los tiempos actuales y los tiempos por venir ponen a nuestra Sociedad, y a cada uno de nuestros grupos de trabajo, ante el desafío que implica nuestra integración al ámbito internacional, y que de la forma en que afrontemos este desafío dependerán nuestro crecimiento futuro y nuestra credibilidad en el campo científico de nuestra especialidad.

Un abrazo fraternal para todos Uds.

Comité Ejecutivo de SLAGPHN
Dr. Isidoro Joaquin Kohn, Presidente
Dra. Raquel A. Furnes, Secretaria General
Dr. Carlos García Oliva, Tesorero
Dra. Silvia Marchisone, Pro-tesorera


E-mail enviado em: 15/07/2002

O bombardeio pela contrariedade da escolha de Foz do Iguaçu começou pelos membros da NASPGHAN, como se pode comprovar pelas mensagens abaixo trocadas entre Joaquin e Colletti, e logo a seguir comigo:

Joaquin Kohn wrote:


Recién recibo este mail de Dick Coletti. El pone datos que no se corresponden con la información que vos me diste, y yo (y nosotros) deberíamos contar con información concreta para rebatir estos datos, si se puede. ¿Cómo podríamos conseguirla?

 Nuevamente quiero felicitarte a ti y a Mauro, Carlos, Vera y Ramiro por la 2º Conferencia Internacional, que fue excelente y exitosa, y agradecerles por todas las atenciones que tuvieron.  Creo que no tendría sentido continuar la discusión sobre el tema Iguazu sin datos concretos. Yo en tanto trataré de ingresar por internet para conseguir más información. Un abrazo y cariños a Fabi y a la familia.



E-mail encaminhado em: 14/07/2002

Richard Colleti wrote:

To: “I. Joaquin Kohn” <[email protected]>
Cc: “Marina Orsi” <[email protected]>
Subject: Iguazu

Joaquin: I had an excellent visit to Argentina, including a trip to Iguazu with Marina Orsi and her husband.  Iguazu is one of the wonders of the world. It is a wonderful place to visit. Marina and I discussed the possibilities of having the 3rd World Congress in Iguazu, as you had suggested.  There are several obstacles. For example, the largest room for a plenary session is currently only 600 people.  The largest conference that has been held there was for 1500 people. But I think the idea of a World Congress hosted by both Brazil and Argentina is appealing and worthy of exploring.  Marina would like to discuss this with you.  I hope that you, your wife and your family are well.  Best wishes! Dick

Richard B. Colletti, MD, University of Vermont College of Medicine


E-mail encaminhado em: 21/12/2002

Richard Colleti wrote:

Ulysses: How are you? I would like to call you sometime to chat about ideas for the 3rd World Congress in 2008.  Can you tell me your telephone number and when would be a good day and time to call? I can call you at home in the evening or during the day or on a weekend day. I look forward to hearing from you. Best wishes to you and Fabia. Dick

Richard B. Colletti, MD  

University of Vermont College of Medicine


E-mail encaminhado em: 23/12/2002

Richard Colletti wrote:

Ulysses: Nice to hear from you! I was in Iguazu with Marina Orsi and her husband Pacho O’Donnell in July, during a visit to Buenos Aires.  Iguazu Falls are spectacular, one of the wonders of the world.  While there I suggested to Marina that we should consider Iguazu as a possible site for the 3rd World Congress. We actually met with the hotel meeting manager for an hour to discuss the possibilities of a large convention there. Although I stayed at the Sheraton on the Argentina side, we visited the main hotel and the falls on the Brazilian side as well. I have some concerns about the logistics of having a large meeting there. I look forward to chatting with you about this. I’ll plan to call you in the evening either before or after Christmas. Best wishes! /Dick


E-mail encaminhado em: 23/12/2002

Ulysses Fagundes-Neto wrote:

Dear Dick:

Thank you for your message, it was nice to hear from you. I will be very glad to talk to you about the 3rd World Congress. Actually, I have already been working since last September. I went to Argentina to talk to my colleagues there and to express the idea of organizing the Congress in Iguazu Falls. Everybody got very excited with the idea since the place is one of the wonders of nature and represents the confluence of the 4 countries that have founded LASPGHAN (Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay), so it means it is almost a neutral territory and at the same time is very international. So, after this I decided to visit Iguazu and I got really astonished with the facilities offered to organize the event in the Brazilian side. There are conditions to host at least 5,000 people in one Convention Center, plus lots of other hotel facilities in a very safe and peaceful place, not to say the marvelous nature offers to you. So, the next step was to invite Joaquin Kohn to come with me and confirm with his own eyes what I had seen before. Indeed, 3 weeks ago we met together in Iguazu and he could not believe what his was seeing. Definetely, Iguazu Falls is the best place to organize a fantastic event. Now, Joaquin is going to submit my candidacy to be the president of the EHC to all the delegates of our Society, and I am quite optimistic about the acceptance of my request.

This is a brief summary of what I have already been doing regarding the 3rd WC, so you can be aware what is going on to start our conversation. By the way, if everything goes right our plan is to present the organization of the 3rd WC in Praga next May.

My phone numbers are the following: 55 11 55764200 (University) 8:30 am – 6:30 pm (this is not the best place to call because I am not very frequently in my office); 55 11 55790775 (Home) (this is the best place to call me) either at night after 9:30 pm or early in the morning up to8:15 am. I will be in town for Christmass party up to the 27th, then I will take one week vacation and I will be back on January 6th.

Best wishes to your family and for you. Merry Christmass and Happy New Year.



E-mail encaminhado em: 11/02/2003

Ulysses Fagundes-Neto wrote:

To: Dr Kohn
Subject: Re: Borrador (versión corregida)

Estimado Joaquin:

Perfecto, te agradezco una vez más el apoyo y reitero la propuesta para que marchemos juntos en la realización de nuestro ideal o sea la organización del mundial en Iguaçu.

Un fuerte abrazo,



A reinvidicação de outro local para servir de sede do Congresso Mundial agora vem do México, criando mais um obstáculo a Foz do Iguaçú. Como se pode perceber a luta foi árdua para que conseguíssemos nosso intento, mas não parou por aí porque o Rio de Janeiro viria também a se propor como sede do evento.


E-mail encaminhado em: 18/02/2003

Armando Madrazo wrote:

Dr. Joaquin Kohn, Presidente, LASPGHAN.

Estimado Joaquín;

Por este conducto y derivado de la comunicación reciente que hiciste llegar a los señores vocales de la LASPGHN quiero manifestarte mis impresiones sobre las formas utilizadas para la toma de decisiones.

La organización de un congreso mundial es un evento muy relevante que involucra a una sociedad continental cada 16 años según los acuerdos tomados. Cada sociedad continental es libre de elegir la metodología para la toma de decisiones, de tal manera que bajo reglas o acuerdos previos, todos los países que la componen, en armonía y sin imposiciones pueden votar por una opción.

En el caso particular de LASPGHN y la elección del sitio sede del congreso mundial del año 2008, nunca hubo una convocatoria para someter sitios candidatos a la sede, tampoco hubo reglas del juego para entrar a una competencia; y en particular, mi propuesta verbal y escrita hacia tu persona, ya fungiendo como Presidente de LASPGHN, acerca de la Ciudad de Cancún, México como un sitio candidato a ser sede de dicho evento, nunca tuvo una respuesta. Esta propuesta es meramente del grupo de gastroenterólogos pediatras en México, no de EEUU. Existen colegas Estadounidenses así como de otros países Centro y Sudamericanos que nos han manifestado su simpatía acerca de nuestra propuesta.

Joaquín, como tu bien sabes, la Ciudad de Cancún cumple con todos los requerimientos para la realización del Congreso Mundial de Gastroenterología Hepatología y Nutrición Pediátrica, además de estar geográficamente ubicada en una zona de fácil acceso con líneas aéreas volando directo de prácticamente todos los continentes. Cuenta también con un sinnúmero de atracciones naturales que está por demás detallar en esta carta pero que, en su conjunto, hacen de Cancún una ciudad ideal para ser fuerte candidata a competir por la sede de este congresso.

Estos argumentos, en mi opinión deben se ser considerados seriamente, reflexionando acerca de la conveniencia de nuestra Sociedad Latinoamericana en general, sociedad que esta obligada a crecer y mostrarse como unidad ante la comunidad internacional, capaz de organizar eventos de avanzada, y no como una  sociedad que tiene grandes rezagos en comparación de otras sociedades como la Europea y la Norteamericana que entre otras cosas, han demostrado tener un sistema democrático de toma de decisiones. Es de suma importancia permitir que la LASPGHN avance libremente, sea conducida por su mesa directiva con visión de progreso, de oportunidad, de eficacia y sobre todo de enriquecimiento científico para la mejor difusión del conocimiento enfocado a nuestros niños enfermos que son nuestra razón de ser como profesionistas y como sociedad.

Joaquín, te escribo esta carta para manifestar mi inconformidad hacia la ausencia de reglas del juego, hacia los controles paréticos perennes que nuestra sociedad sufre desde sus orígenes, hacia la falta de estructura que permita planear al futuro las acciones de nuestra Sociedad, y hacia el sesgo evidente escrito en tu comunicación reciente en favor de Iguazú. Las economías en desarrollo propias de nuestros países no son pretexto para justificar estos rezagos. La globalización va a absorber nuestra identidad.  Estoy convencido de que tenemos un rico potencial no desarrollado que va a redituar en un crecimiento de la Gastroenterología Pediátrica de Latinoamérica.  Ya es tiempo de cambiar.


Dr. Armando Madrazo [email protected]
Jefe De Gastroenterologia
Hospital De Pediatria – Centro Medico Nacional Siglo XXI.
Mexico, D.F.

C.C.  Vocales de LASPGHN


E-mail encaminhado em: 18/02/2003

Domingo Jaen wrote:

Para: Joaquin Kohn <[email protected]>;
Manuel Piña <[email protected]>;
Alonso Adrianza <[email protected]>;
Anadina Salvatierra <[email protected]>;
Antoinette Khoury <[email protected]>;
Claudio Morera <[email protected]>;
Elena Pestana <[email protected]>;
Elizabeth Dini <[email protected]>;
Enrique Moreno <[email protected]>;
Georgette Daoud <[email protected]>;
Gladys Ruggeri <[email protected]>;
Ileana Gonzalez <[email protected]>;
Isaac Hassan <[email protected]>;
Jose Gregorio Prados <[email protected]>;
Juana Frontera de Fogel <[email protected]>;
Keira Leon <[email protected]>;
Lennys Gonzalez <[email protected]>;
Lisset Rondon <[email protected]>;
Magaly Rodriguez <[email protected]>;
Maite Olza <[email protected]>;
Marbelia Martinez [email protected];
Mirian Lea <[email protected]>;
Patricia Savino <[email protected]>;
Carmen Cardenas <[email protected]>; Reinaldo Pierre <[email protected]>;
Rosalba Caruso <[email protected]>;
Foro Tocalino [email protected]

Asunto: Fw: Congreso Mundial

Apreciado Joaquin:

Un saludo afectuoso para ti y los tuyos desde nuestra atormentada Venezuela.

Te escribo en relación a tu correspondencia sobre el futuro Congreso Mundial a realizarse esta vez en Sur America.  Debo decirte que envié tu correspondencia a los miembros de SLAGHN de Venezuela, para de alguna manera tener un consenso en relación al tema. La opinion generalizada es que a pesar de que de ninguna manera hay desacuerdo en la propuesta, nos da la sensación que se nos consulta por hechos consumados y que la decisión ya ha sido tomada por lo cual vemos como poco democrático el hecho de que conozcamos la proposicion de Iguazú, pero parece, que, si existe la otra, no se conoce ningún detalle de ésta.

Desde luego no hay ninguna duda que la presidencia de ese Congreso debe recaer en la persona de Ulises Fagundes Neto, quien como todos sabemos y reconocemos posee sobrados méritos para presidir dicho evento.

Nosotros proponemos que como vice-presidente, tambien por méritos y sobre todo por que junto a Ulises motorizó la participación de nuestra Sociedad en el primer mundial se debe considerar a Roberto Calva.

Finalmente pensamos que seria muy saludable para la democracia en nuestra Sociedad y el reconocimiento de todos los paises que hacen vida activa en ella, que se conociera la otra propuesta, con detalles de la misma en relación a costos facilidades, etc y dar opciones para que en discusión abierta, se tome la mejor decisión.

Insistimos en que no tenemos ninguna oposición a la propuesta en mesa pero es fundamental que su aprobación cuente con el mayor consenso posible.

Con esta carta esperamos responder tu reciente solicitud.

Muchos saludos        

Domingo Jaen, Vicepresidente, SLAGHPN Venezuela.


E-mail encaminhado em: 21/01/2003

Armando Madrazo wrote:

Para: <[email protected]>
Asunto: Saludos de Mexico

Hola Joaquin,

¿Como estas? Espero que las cosas vayan bien para ti en la presidencia de la Sociedad Latinoamericana. He oido que en Argentina la situacion se ha estabilizado. Espero que la economia mejore pronto.

¿Te acuerdas en Orlando NASPGHAN 2001 que te mencione Cancun como una posibilidad para organizar el congreso mundial del 2008? Bueno sigo creyendo lo mismo, aunque yo entiendo que todo mundo quiere que su pais sea el anfitrion, y existen muchas posibilidades en Latinoamerica. El grupo de Mexico puede ofrecerle a la Sociedad Latinoamericana el apoyo necesario para realizar este proyecto. Cancún ofrece la accesibilidad para llegar de cualquier sitio, su situacion geografica, sus atractivos turisticos, su infraestructura hotelera y para convenciones, ademas que es menos costoso que Boston y Paris. En fin yo estoy muy motivado y el grupo de Mexico tambien. Pensamos que podemos ofrecer un excelente congreso y lograr una buena asistencia. ¿Como ves mi idea?

Richard Colletti me hablo ayer a mi casa y menciona que hablo con Ulises quien piensa que el congreso debe de ser en Iguazu en el lado brasileno. Colletti le pregunto sobre Cancun, y Ulises menciono que Mexico pertenece a Norteamerica y ademas que tiene poco tiempo de pertenecer a la Sociedad Latinoamericana. Yo espero que esos argumentos no sean tomados en cuenta y se considere a Cancun como una posibilidad real. La mayoria de los mexicanos estamos trabajando juntos de manera formal y yo en lo personal te pido que pienses esta propuesta.

Colletti me sugirio hablarles a ti y a Ulises para darles a conocer mi punto de vista.

Me gustaria saber tu respuesta. Se que tus decisiones estan bien analizadas.

Recibe un caluroso saludo.

Armando Madrazo [email protected]


E-mail encaminhado em: 18/02/2003

Joaquin Kohn wrote:

To: Fagundes Neto Ulysses
Subject: Congreso Mundial


Se está moviendo el avispero!!!!!!

Te estoy enviando la nota que he redactado para contestar a Armando Madrazo, quién puja por llevar el congreso a Cancún.  En mail separados te envío la nota que Madrazo hizo pública a todos quienes integran la Directoría de la Sociedad, y también otro mail de Domingo Jaen referida al mismo tema, para tu consideración.

En función de esos elementos quiero tu opinión y sugerencias respecto a la nota a Madrazo, que no enviaré hasta tener tu respuesta, y además creo que habrá que hacer contactos “políticos” para afianzar nuestra propuesta.



E-mail encaminhado em: 18/02/2003

Joaquin Kohn wrote:

Estimado Armando:

Lamento mucho no haber podido contestar antes tu nota. Yo estuve de viaje, y he regresado hace pocos días, encontrándome como siempre que uno retorna de vacaciones con una serie de urgencias a resolver.

He leído atentamente tu nota, y quiero decirte que indudablemente conozco la relevancia de un Congreso Mundial, y que además siempre he sido muy respetuoso de las instituciones y de quienes las conforman. La nota a que tú haces referencia es precisamente una demostración de ello, como también lo ha sido la inclusión de una amplia gama de representantes de todos los países latinoamericanos en las diferentes actividades relacionadas con el Congreso Mundial de París.

A nivel del actual Comité Ejecutivo de la Soc. LA hemos discutido las posibilidades, incluída la de Cancún, y nuestra opinión (que no es una DECISION) está expresada en esa nota, incluídas las razones, que consideramos MUY IMPORTANTES, referidas a la historia de la Sociedad. Esto es lo que se ha expresado en la nota, en donde también se ha incluída la propuesta de Cancún.

Lo que se ha hecho ha sido corroborar que el lugar propuesto efectivamente cuenta con todos los requerimientos para la realización de un Congreso Mundial (que por otra parte no sería el primero) ante las dudas manifestadas por algunos de que Iguazú pudiera tener la infraestructura necesaria. Por otra parte, también se ha relatado que esta propuesta fue ya conversada y aceptada como probable en Buenos Aires en octubre de 2002, en ocasión del Congreso Argentino de la especialidad, con la presencia de representantes de varios de los países del cono sur y de España, lo cual tampoco significa una DECISION.


Seguramente no he hecho la apología de Cancún, y es por las mismas razones que tú incluyes en tu nota, respecto a que las condiciones de esa ciudad turística son por todos conocidas. No tengo dudas de las condiciones de la misma para la realización de eventos de este tipo, pero no tengo dudas que no son superiores a las que puede ofrecer Iguazú, con un contexto paisajístico y de actividades diferente, y que tampoco reúne las condiciones referidas a la historia de nuestra sociedad, ni la de ser un punto de confluencia importante entre los países que constituyeron el núcleo inicial de la Sociedad Latinoamericana.

Todo depende de los criterios particulares en cuanto a los valores a considerar a la hora de realizar una elección respecto a la geografía a ofrecer.

En cuanto al tema de la accesibilidad, reitero que también Iguazú es perfectamente accesible, con una combinación San Pablo-Iguazú, o Bs As-Iguazú, dependiendo de la elección de cada uno.  Convengamos que en Boston, muchos de nosotros debimos hacer vuelos de combinación para llegar, y nada impidió que lo hiciéramos.  Al fin de cuentas, convengamos que el Sur también existe…

Te propongo que tu explicites todo lo detalladamente que consideres necesario, la propuesta de Cancún, para la consideración de los integrantes de la Directoría de la Soc LA, integrada por representantes de todos los países latinoamericanos, y el órgano natural de toma de decisiones de la Sociedad.

En síntesis, no creo que el tema de la resolución del lugar a proponer a FISPGHAN deba generar rencillas, y mucho menos cuando el mismo está planteandose con total respeto para con todos los países que integran la Sociedad. Me veo en la obligación de distribuir esta nota en forma generalizada, ya que es una contestación a la que tú has hecho pública. Estoy seguro de que habremos de llegar a una decisión que seguramente todos apoyaremos, en el contexto de una toma de decisiones absolutamente participativa y democrática.


Presidente de la Sociedad Latinoamericana de Gastroenterología Pediátrica, Hepatología y Nutrición


E-mail encaminhado em: 19/02/2003

Ulysses Fagundes Neto wrote:

Para: Dr Kohn <[email protected]>
Asunto: Re: Congreso Mundial

Estimado Joaquin:

Ya esperaba por este tipo de manifestación desde mi charla telefónica con Colletti, porque los yanques están hichando para que sea en Cancun porque ahí tendran la manija para hacer lo que quieren como siempre lo hicieron con los mexicanos. Se nuestra Sociedad nunca fue parética como dice Madrazo, no lo es por nuestra culpa que siempre tratamos de atraer a toda la gente sin distincción, y si porque nunca se importaron con nuestros destinos mientras eramos chicos y desconocidos. ¿Ahora que surgimos para el mundo trata de sentirse menospreciado?  por que no se ha presentado antes para empujar y tornar conocida nuestra Sociedad desde los viejos tiempos?  Joaquin este llanto no me comove para nada. Estoy totalmente de auerdo con tu carta y que toda la gente la sepa. Trataremos de hacer el trabajo político que sea necesário para lograr nuestro intento. Adelante macho.

Un fuerte abrazo.



E-mail encaminhado em: 19/02/2003

Joaquin Kohn wrote:

Para: Madrazo Armando <[email protected]>;
Asunto: Congreso Mundial

Estimado Armando:

Lamento mucho no haber podido contestar antes tu nota. Yo estuve de viaje, y he regresado hace pocos días, encontrándome como siempre que uno retorna de vacaciones con una serie de urgencias a resolver.

He leído atentamente tu nota, y quiero decirte que indudablemente conozco la relevancia de un Congreso Mundial, y que además siempre he sido muy respetuoso de las instituciones y de quienes las conforman. La nota a que tú haces referencia es precisamente una demostración de ello, como también lo ha sido la inclusión de una amplia gama de representantes de todos los países latinoamericanos en las diferentes actividades relacionadas con el Congreso Mundial de París.

A nivel del actual Comité Ejecutivo de la Soc. LA hemos discutido las posibilidades, incluída la de Cancún, y nuestra opinión (que no es una DECISION) está expresada en esa nota, incluídas las razones, que consideramos MUY IMPORTANTES, referidas a la historia de la Sociedad. Esto es lo que se ha expresado en la nota, en donde también se ha incluída la propuesta de Cancún.

Lo que se ha hecho ha sido corroborar que el lugar propuesto efectivamente cuenta con todos los requerimientos para la realización de un Congreso Mundial (que por otra parte no sería el primero) ante las dudas manifestadas por algunos de que Iguazú pudiera tener la infraestructura necesaria. Por otra parte, también se ha relatado que esta propuesta fue ya conversada y aceptada como probable en Buenos Aires en octubre de 2002, en ocasión del Congreso Argentino de la especialidad, con la presencia de representantes de varios de los países del cono sur y de España, lo cual tampoco significa una DECISION.


Seguramente no he hecho la apología de Cancún, y es por las mismas razones que tú incluyes en tu nota, respecto a que las condiciones de esa ciudad turística son por todos conocidas. No tengo dudas de las condiciones de la misma para la realización de eventos de este tipo, pero no tengo dudas que no son superiores a las que puede ofrecer Iguazú, con un contexto paisajístico y de actividades diferente, y que tampoco reúne las condiciones referidas a la historia de nuestra sociedad, ni la de ser un punto de confluencia importante entre los países que constituyeron el núcleo inicial de la Sociedad Latinoamericana.

Todo depende de los criterios particulares en cuanto a los valores a considerar a la hora de realizar una elección respecto a la geografía a ofrecer.

En cuanto al tema de la accesibilidad, reitero que también Iguazú es perfectamente accesible, con una combinación San Pablo-Iguazú, o Bs As-Iguazú, dependiendo de la elección de cada uno.  Convengamos que en Boston, muchos de nosotros debimos hacer vuelos de combinación para llegar, y nada impidió que lo hiciéramos.

Al fin de cuentas, convengamos que el Sur también existe…

Te propongo que tu explicites todo lo detalladamente que consideres necesario, la propuesta de Cancún, para la consideración de los integrantes de la Directoría de la Soc LA, integrada por representantes de todos los países latinoamericanos, y el órgano natural de toma de decisiones de la Sociedad.

En síntesis, no creo que el tema de la resolución del lugar a proponer a FISPGHAN deba generar rencillas, y mucho menos cuando el mismo está planteandose con total respeto para con todos los países que integran la Sociedad.

Me veo en la obligación de distribuir esta nota en forma generalizada, ya que es una contestación a la que tú has hecho pública. Estoy seguro de que habremos de llegar a una decisión que seguramente todos apoyaremos, en el contexto de una toma de decisiones absolutamente participativa y democrática.

Presidente de la Sociedad Latinoamericana de Gastroenterología Pediátrica, Hepatología y Nutrición


E-mail encaminhado em: 20/02/2003

Armando Madrazo wrote:

Dr Joaquin Kohn
Presidente, LASPGHN

Estimado Joaquín,

Finalmente recibo una respuesta tuya a una propuesta de México que se inició en Octubre del 2001. Esta propuesta tiene como finalidad ofrecer una alternativa de sede para que LASPGHAN ofrezca el III congreso mundial en 2008 en la mejor de las condiciones.

Cancún es una buena alternativa, nosotros creemos es la mejor que México puede ofrecer dentro de las posibilidades mexicanas; y por lo tanto puede competir con otros sitios de Latinoamérica. No me atrevo a descalificar Iguazú ni alguna otra posibilidad, nada mas solicitamos un marco de competencia abierto y justo, donde las reglas se den por anticipado, con parámetros a cumplir establecidos y un comité evaluador imparcial.

Si LASPGHAN se va a guiar por criterios históricos y de antigüedad, entonces no existen espacios para el debate de los proyectos y las ideas, y de entrada se descalifica a la mayoría de los países. La inconformidad no es sinónimo de rencilla, al contrario, es una manifestación que lleva a la reflexión dentro de una sociedad.

Estamos dispuestos a trabajar en un proyecto si existen las garantías de una evaluación seria, porque, después de leer tu comunicación inicial, parece que la decisión esta tomada de antemano. Si existiera la posibilidad de concurso, estoy seguro que más de un país consideraría proponerse también.

Te invito a mostrar tu buena voluntad y abrir una convocatoria que cumpla con todos los requerimientos para competir sanamente por la sede del III Congreso Mundial en el 2008. LASPGHN te lo va a reconocer.

Recibe un cordial saludo.

Armando Madrazo, [email protected]

P.D. Creo saludable que este intercambio se mantenga público.


E-mail encaminhado em: 22/02/2003

Joaquin Kohn wrote:

Para: Madrazo Armando
Asunto: Congreso Mundial

Dr. Armando Madrazo

Querido amigo:

A veces siento que no logro hacerme entender. La convocatoria fue iniciada cuando el Comité Ejecutivo envió su primera notificación, y se estableció el plazo del 15 de marzo para tener una respuesta de todos los integrantes de la DIRECTORIA, quienes son los representantes naturales de cada uno de los países que integran la Sociedad. Esas son las reglas y no hay otras, porque aquí no se trata de una competencia para ver que ciudad es más linda, quién es más bonito, o quién hace más goles.

No obstante, yo personalmente creo que si tiene que haber reglas, estas tienen que estar relacionadas con dos condiciones básicas:  1) Un lugar digno de un Congreso de la envergadura del que estamos hablando, con condiciones de infraestructura adecuadas para el evento, que sea razonablemente accesible para todo el mundo, y sobre todo para la masa de quienes integran la Sociedad LA  2) A diferencia con tus criterios, considero que la esencias de las cosas, de los cuales forma parte la historia, tienen mucho valor y deben ser respetadas, no sólo para la elección de la sede, sino también para la elección de quién tendrá a su cargo la responsabilidad de conducir los esfuerzos necesarios para realizar un evento internacional exitoso y que sea expresión del potencial de nuestra propia sociedad, y es obvio que ambas situaciones deben corresponderse.

No logro racionalmente entender que se pretenda hacer presuponer que los criterios históricos y de antiguedad no pueden generan espacios para el debate de proyectos e ideas o el crecimiento o el progreso, o que estos implican la desacalificación de personas o países. La propuesta del Comité Ejecutivo valoró entre otras cosas la historia y la antiguedad, ya que también involucraron condiciones científicas y académicas, de representatividad dentro de la Sociedad Latinoamericana, y de relaciones con la comunidad científica internacional de la persona que se propuso para la Presidencia del Congreso.

¿Se supone acaso posible realizar un Congreso con un responsable en Brasil o en Argentina o en Chile, con una sede en México, o viceversa una responsabilidad en México con una sede en el sur?  Personalmente, y he tenido la responsabilidad de más de un evento nacional o internacional, no lo creo posible.

Creo que esta discusión no da para más (y no tiene sentido continuarla), las reglas son claras, todo el que crea que tiene una ciudad que considere que puede ser sede de un congreso internacional puede proponerlo, todo el que crea que tiene méritos científicos y académicos y que es una figura representativa de la Soc. LA (porque en caso contrario hasta podría proponerse alguien de otra/s sociedad/es o un urólogo, por ej) y de que es capaz de sobrellevar el esfuerzo y la responsabilidad de un evento de esta naturaleza puede proponerse, y finalmente puede proponerse cualquiera que pueda generar un flujo de entre 1 a 2.000.000 de U$S, que es lo que puede salir organizar un evento de esta naturaleza.

Lo que si debe respetarse son los tiempos, ya que es nuestra responsabilidad llevar una propuesta debidamente desarrollada en la reunión de FISPGHAN en junio, de modo que solicito a todos los representantes de nuestros países que establezcan los medios para realizar las consultas que crean convenientes, y que hagan llegar al Comité Ejecutivo sus propuestas dentro de los tiempos establecidos.

Querido amigo, un abrazo para tí y para todos nuestros colegas latinoamericanos.

Sólo queda realizar la toma de decisiones, aunque si alguien quiere hacer una nueva propuesta, también puede hacerlo.

Presidente de la Sociedad Latinoamericana de Gastroenterología Pediátrica, Hepatología y Nutrición


E-mail encaminhado em: 24/2/2003

Armando Madrazo wrote:

Dr Joaquin Kohn
Presidente, LASPGHAN

Estimado Joaquín,

Solo quiero reiterarte que en México si estamos interesados en colaborar en la organización del Congreso Mundial 2008 en Cancún. Contamos en el presente con todas las posibilidades y requisitos que mencionas en tu última comunicación.

Recibe una vez más un cordial saludo.

Dr. Armando Madrazo



Queridos amigos:

En este documento va resumida la correspondencia que se estableció como consecuencia de la propuesta del Comité Ejecutivo de realizar el Congreso en Iguacu, proponiendo al Dr. Ulises Fagundes Neto como presidente del mismo. Habiendo una propuesta alternativa (Cancún) creemos que lo más justo es que voten todos los integrantes de la Sociedad.  A tal fin, y para que dispongan de todos los argumentos que se han planteado, se resume en este documento la correspondencia mantenida en relación a este tema.

Los representantes de cada uno de los países deberán hacer llegar el voto de cada uno de los integrantes de la Sociedad en cada uno de los países al Comité Ejecutivo, disponiéndose de los siguientes correos electrónicos para esos efectos:

[email protected];
[email protected];
[email protected];

Serán contabilizados los votos que lleguen hasta el día 15 de marzo inclusive. Creemos que el tema es de suficiente envergadura como para que todos opinemos al respecto.

Un fraternal abrazo a todos.

Por Comité Ejecutivo de SLAGPHN
Dr. Isidoro Joaquin Kohn, Presidente
Dra. Raquel Furnes, Secretaria General
Dr. Carlos García Oliva, Tesorero
Dra. Silvia Marchisone, Vice-tesorero


E-mail encaminhado em 25/02/2003

Joaquin Kohn wrote:

To: Petit Susana; Palacios Rosales Jorge; Mejía Castro Milton; Marchisone Silvia; Jara Vega Paloma; Jaen Domingo; García Oliva Carlos; De Morais Mauro Batista; Cueto Rua Eduardo; Cruchet Silvia; Castañeda Guillot Carlos; Cabrera Milena; Belkind Gherson Jaime; Zablah Cordova Roberto; Tanzi María Noel; Vazcones Fabian; Rivera Medina Juan Francisco; Velasco Benitez Carlos; Madrazo Armando

Subject: MUNDIAL 2008 – urgente

Estimados amigos:

Por este medio envío a Uds. el resumen de la correspondencia mantenida con el Dr. Armando Madrazo, y que Uds. seguramente ya conocen.

Habiendo 2 propuestas diferentes para proponer sede del Congreso Mundial del 2008 (Iguazú y Cancún) el Comité Ejecutivo ha considerado muy importante que todos los socios de SLAGPHN emitan su voto, siendo los delegados de cada país los responsables de receptarlos y enviarlos a este Comité Ejecutivo hasta el día 15 de marzo inclusive, entendiendo que esta es la forma más democrática y participativa de tomar esta importante decisión.

Manos a la obra entonces, y un fraternal abrazo a todos.

Dr. Isidoro Joaquin Kohn


E-mail encaminhado em: 28/02/2003

Aderbal Sabra wrote:

To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Subject: Mundial 2008 in Rio

Caríssimos amigos,

Rio de Janeiro não pode deixar de ser candidata a sede do Mundial 2008 e submeter-se aos designios da escolha da maioria de nossos associados. As razões são historicas e gostaria de lembrar apenas as duas reuniões da SLAGPN no passado recente que aqui ocorreram ambas exitosas e de saudosa lembrança. 

Lembrar nossos encantos, nossa hospitalidade e nossas super instalações como o Centro de Convenções com capacidade para 10.000 participantes me parece o suficiente para sermos candidatos a escolha de nossos convencionais alem de contarmos com um grupo de expressão como colegas de especialidade prontos a colaborar com a sociedade. Os laços de fraternidade que me une ao irmão Ulysses Fagundes Neto são indissolúveis e seria um desafio a mais fazer deste um grande evento com ele Presidente para tambem homenagea-lo por tudo que tem feito por nossa sociedade. Assim somos os cariocas. Sinceros e amigos. Por estas razões acreditamos estar em tempo de propor nossa candidatura como sede do Mundial 2008.

Prof Aderbal Sabra
e-mail: [email protected]


E-mail encaminhado em : 1/03/2003

Joaquin Kohn wrote:

A las 2 propuestas anteriores (iguazú y cancún) se agrega esta, realizada por el Dr. Aderbal Sabra. Q sigue vigente la fecha original para la finalizacion de la votacion.



E-mail encaminhado em: 6/03/2003

Ulysses Fagundes-Neto wrote:

Subject: Congresso Mundial

Querido amigo Sabrá:

Sinto-me altamente lisonjeado por sua tão carinhosa manifestação em relação ao meu nome para presidir este evento. Você bem sabe que a admiração e o respeito são recíprocos, já navegamos juntos em incontáveis jornadas e batalhas em pró da nossa Sociedade, no Brasil e no exterior, sempre com a mesma grandeza de espírito. Sem dúvida alguma o Rio de Janeiro, por tudo e pelo todo que representa, desde ter sido a sede da Coroa do Reino de Portugal, a capital do nosso querido país, a cidade maravilhosa assim como sua gente, deve sempre ser lembrado para qualquer evento de maior transcendência. Porém, dadas as circunstâncias tão especiais que envolvem a realização deste Congresso, por todas as razões históricas da nossa Sociedade, da qual você é membro fundador e signatário da ata de fundação da mesma, faço um apelo fraternal para que considere Iguaçú como o local mais apropriado para a realização deste evento. Respeitando profundamente seus desejos e sentimentos, sem em momento algum ferir a legitimidade da sua proposta solicito que reveja sua posição. Certo de poder contar mais uma vez com sua fundamental colaboração aproveito a oportunidade para reiterar meus mais estreitos laços de amizade.

Um forte abraço,



E-mail encaminhado em: 7/3/2003

Alderbal Magno Sabrá wrote:

Meu querido companheiro e fraternal amigo Ulysses,

Fiquei emocionado com sua elocuente e carinhosa carta de ontem e com Selma ao meu lado pensamos o que fazer de melhor para ajudá-lo como nosso Presidente para o proximo Mundial. Retirar a candidatura do Rio de Janeiro seria à primeira vista a solução mais fácil e ponto final. Entretanto esta não creio ser a melhor saída pois deixar você contando com Iguaçu como única opção de sede me parece um risco que você não merece correr ainda mais tendo Cancum como segunda opção. Sería horrível ve-lo Presidente do Mundial em uma sede fora do Brasil. Aqui no Rio você estaria em casa comandando a executiva nacional e eu colaborando com a local- afinal para que somos irmãos? Veja que só apresentei Rio quando vi a candidatura de Cancum e pensei na possibilidade de argumentos irrefutáveis quato à sustentação de Iguaçu. Outro fator importante advem de conhecer um pouco melhor que antes os americanos e europeus e não gortaria de ver meu querido irmão em dificuldades para aprovar Iguaçu por razões obvias:

1 – Falta a Iguaçu o apelo Mundial quanto ao conhecimento o que sobra por aqui;   

2- Iguaçu tem 4 voos diários e conecções dispares com os voos internacionais e para satizfazer a 4000 convencionais seram ncessários quantos voos mais? Que companhia aérea brasileira, combalidas como estão, garantiria este fluxo de chegada e especialmente de saída sem deixar os convidados em longa fila de espera?

3- Pegar este difícil voo e ainda ver um acréscimo de 300 dolares na sua passagem não agrada a ninguém;

4- E o Centro de Convenções?

5- Rio de Janeiro será antes sede dos Jogos Panamericanos o que nos deiará um legado extraordinário para o ano do nosso Mundial em Hoteis na área do Centro de Convenções.

Carissimo irmão estas foram minhas razões sinceras e amigas. Concordo com Rio como segunda opção podendo expressar isto Mundialmente se você desejar, mas não abro mão de você Presidente em solo Pátrio: Iguaçu ou Rio.

Beijos meus e de Selma para você e Fábia


E-mail encaminhado em: 10/3/2003

Raquel Furnes wrote:

Queridos amigos quiero enviarles un resumen de las propuestas hechas hasta ahora para sede del Congreso Mundial de Gastro Ped, Nutrición y Hepato. Les adjunto estractos de las cartas del Dr. Joaquin Kohn, del Dr. Madrazoy del Dr. Aderbal Sabra.


  1. Se han propuesto tres opciones: Foz Iguazu (Br); Rio de Janeiro (Br) y Cancún (Mx). 
  1. Se solicita votación de los Socios de la SLAGPHN para decidir sede. 
  1. Se receptarán votos hasta el 15/3/03 inclusive. 
  1. Se solicita a los miembros de la Mesa directiva que junten los votos de sus respectivos países y los envíen por correo al Dr. Kohn ([email protected]), o Dr. Cueto Rúa ([email protected]) o Dra. R. Furnes ([email protected]).
  2. Se envían los datos de socios de cada país en mail por separado a cada vicepresidente o vocal.

Muchas gracias.
Dra. Raquel Furnes
Secretaria General SLAGPHN


E-mail encaminhado em: 11/3/2003

Joaquin Kohn wrote:



E-mail encaminhado em: 17/3/2003

Joaquin Kohn wrote:

Subject: Elecciones Mundial 2008

A los integrantesa de la Directoría y del Consejo Asesor de la Sociedad Latinoamericana de Gastroenterología Pediátrica, Hepatología y Nutrición:



Por la presente, cumplo en enviarles los resultados de la elección que se realizó para determinar el lugar a proponer a FISPGHAN como sede del Mundial de la especialidad en el año 2008.

La propuesta elegida por los pediatras gastroenterólogos latinoamericanos ha sido la de Iguazú, la cual incluye la decisión de proponer al Dr. Ulysses Fagundes Neto para la Presidencia de dicho Congreso.

El Comité Ejecutivo entiende que se ha realizado un acto de real democracia institucional, con una muy activa participación, y que demuestra la madurez de nuestra Sociedad.

Solicito a todos los integrantes de la Directoría la difusión de estos resultados, como un acto de respeto a todos los miembros de nuestra Sociedad que decidieron participar activamente en este acto.

El Comité Ejecutivo pone a vuestra disposición los e-mails enviados para este acto.

Aprovecho para saludar a Uds. con un fraternal abrazo,



E-mail encaminhado em: 18/3/2003

Ulysses Fagundes-Neto wrote:

Querido Joaquin:

En primer lugar te felicito una vez más por el éxito en la conducción del proceso y por la nuestra extaordinária victória. Pero esto es solamente el primero paso porque como previamos los yanques se estan moviendo para intentar algo que no huele bien. Yo sigo dispuesto a visitarte, y ahora más aun porque tenemos que planear nuestra estrategia en Praga, pero tengo un sério problema logístico, no hay mas vuelos directos a Córdoba; he intentado por VARIG y Aerolienas sin éxito y las conexiones que me presentan son muy problemáticas por el largo tiempo que toman y por la necesidad de cambiar de Eseiza para Aeroparque. Considerando también la nueva problemática de los yanques te pregunto si no seria posible para ti viajar hasta Buenos Aires y ahí nos reunimos incluyendo algunas personas de tu confianza para que sepan lo que está pasando y juntos tomaríamos una decisión más fuerte, si acaso necesário, con el apoyo de los colegas argentinos, puesto que en Brasil tenemos total apoyo. Así yo podria viajar el viernes (4/4) temprano por la mañana y nos encontraríamos en algun sitio, almorzaríamos juntos mientras discutimos nuestras acciones futuras y después cada uno tomaría su própio rumbo.

Aguardo notícias tuyas.
Un fuerte abrazo,



E-mail encaminhado em: 18/3/2003

Joaquin Kohn wrote:


No tengo problemas en estar en Bs As el 4 de abril. Dime a qué hora estarías llegando y yo arreglaré para estar a la misma hora, para encontrarnos en el lugar que definamos. Pienso que podríamos invitar a Eduardo Cueto, a Cervetto, a M. Ciocca, M. Ramonet, I Badía, Cirstina Galoppo, Daniel D´Agostino, Donatone, Ziomara Balbarrey…tendrías que sugerir los nombres que te parezcan más convenientes.

Me preocupa la conferencia telefónica para la que esta llamando Guandalini, sobre todo porque durante la misma pretende tratar el tema de la forma de seleccion de los lugares para los mundiales. No he visto que respondieras a ese mensaje. Yo creo que deberíamos sugerir que se haga después de nuestra reunión del 4/4, pero tú debes participar imprescindiblemente por tu manejo fluído del inglés y para transmitir y defender la decisión que adoptemos. Espero tu respuesta, y tu contestación a Guandalini (para también contestarle).

Un abrazo



E-mail encaminhado em: 21/3/2003

Joaquin Kohn wrote:

Subject: Elecciones Mundial 2008

A los integrantesa de la Directoría y del Consejo Asesor de la Sociedad Latinoamericana de Gastroenterología Pediátrica, Hepatología y Nutrición:

Por la presente, cumplo en enviarles los resultados de la elección que se realizó para determinar el lugar a proponer a FISPGHAN como sede del Mundial de la especialidad en el año 2008.

La propuesta elegida por los pediatras gastroenterólogos latinoamericanos ha sido la de Iguazú, la cual incluye la decisión de proponer al Dr. Ulysses Fagundes Neto para la Presidencia de dicho Congreso.

El Comité Ejecutivo entiende que se ha realizado un acto de real democracia institucional, con una muy activa participación, y que demuestra la madurez de nuestra Sociedad.

Solicito a todos los integrantes de la Directoría la difusión de estos resultados, como un acto de respeto a todos los miembros de nuestra Sociedad que decidieron participar activamente en este acto.

El Comité Ejecutivo pone a vuestra disposición los e-mails enviados para este acto.

Aprovecho para saludar a Uds. con un fraternal abrazo



E-mail encaminhado em: 21/3/2003

Carlos Garcia Oliva wrote:

Estimado Profesor, He tomado la libertad de hacer un balance más completo de la consulta a los socios respecto el Mundial-2008. En adjunto le remito archivo word con los resultados. Los mismos están publicados en nuestra revista electrónica en: 

Si detecta algún error o problema, le ruego me lo avise.
Un abrazo
Carlos Garcia Oliva





Por la presente, cumplo en enviarles los resultados de la elección que se realizó para determinar el lugar a proponer a FISPGHAN como sede del Mundial de la especialidad en el año 2008.

La propuesta elegida por los pediatras gastroenterólogos latinoamericanos ha sido la de Iguazú, la cual incluye la decisión de proponer al Dr. Ulysses Fagundes Neto para la Presidencia de dicho Congreso.

El Comité Ejecutivo entiende que se ha realizado un acto de real democracia institucional, con una muy activa participación, y que demuestra la madurez de nuestra Sociedad.

Solicito a todos los integrantes de la Directoría la difusión de estos resultados, como un acto de respeto a todos los miembros de nuestra Sociedad que decidieron participar activamente en este acto.

El Comité Ejecutivo pone a vuestra disposición los e-mails enviados para este acto.

Aprovecho para saludar a Uds. con un fraternal abrazo,




Tabla 1- Resultado General de los votos: 

Tabla 2 – Distribución de los votantes por país: 


Tabla 3- Votos por local escogido y país de los votantes:

A partir deste momento começa a entrar a enorme pressão dos norte-americanos colocando todas as dificuldades possíveis e imagináveis para impedir que o Congresso fosse realizado em Foz do Iguaçu. Entretanto, nossa capacidade de trabalho e organização superou mais este enorme obstáculo, com muita paciência e dedicação, como se verá na sequência.


Email encaminhado em: 4/03/2003

Richard Coletti wrote:

Dear FISPGHAN Councilors: Attached is a first draft of some principles for selection of a venue for the next World Congress (and World Congresses to follow).  As we discussed briefly in Taormina, and as Stefano, Margaret and I have discussed since then, it will be important for the FISPGHAN Council to develop a formal process for selection of a venue.  I hope the attached Word file will stimulate your thoughts and discussion about this issue.  Best wishes! /Dick

In case you have difficulty opening and reading the attached file, I am copying the text here:

Principles for Selection of a Venue for the World Congress Draft 3 March 2003 R. Colletti

The goal is to select a venue and leadership that will bring the largest number of pediatric gastroenterologists, hepatologists, nutritionists and other attendees from around the world to a setting that is comfortable, efficient and affordable.  The venue should provide an environment that fosters vigorous scientific exchange while promoting professional relationships through amiable and pleasant social interactions.

According to Article 5b of the FISPGHAN By-laws, the FISPGHAN Council shall review and approve the time and venue for the quadrennial World Congress.  According to Article 6, the Host Executive Committee (of the Hosting Society) will be responsible for ensuring the financial success of the World Congress. The Host Executive Committee has the fiduciary responsibility to: (i) obtain sufficient revenues to pay for the cost of the meeting, (ii) ensure that there is a monetary reserve for unforeseen problems, and (iii) generate a surplus to be utilized for the operations of FISPGHAN and its Member Societies.  FISPGHAN is responsible for the supervision of the fiduciary activities of the Host Executive Committee. Any and all financial loss will be the total responsibility of only the Host Member Society.

FISPGHAN does not yet have a formal process for submission and review of a proposal for the venue of the next World Congress (the venues of the First and Second World Congresses were chosen before the establishment of FISPGHAN).  Discussion at this time by the FISPGHAN Council is essential to establish a venue-selection process that can be expected to contribute to the success of future congresses.

The following is a list of factors that the FISPGHAN Council may want to consider as part of the process of reviewing and voting on the approval of a venue for the next World Congress:

1) Effective leadership

a) Experience in organizing meetings
b) Relationships with other leaders
c) Ability to form an effective and representative Host Executive Committee
d) Fundraising skills
e) Time and resources
f) Fluency in English and electronic communications

2) Fundraising

a) Availability of financial resources
b) Successful relationships with biomedical industry
c) Money management
d) Security of funds

3) Transportation

a) Availability
b) Convenience
c) Cost
d) Written statement from the official airline regarding service and discounts

4) Attributes of the city

a) Attractiveness, tourist appeal
b) Availability of comfortable 2-star to 5-star hotels
c) Cost
d) Safety
e) Local transportation and shuttles
f) Attractive settings for social events and accompanying persons
g) Endorsement (and support) of the local government
h) Reflection of the culture of the host society

5) Convention facilities

a) Plenary session hall
b) Parallel session rooms
c) Exhibition, posters and learning center
d) Meeting rooms
e) Hospitality rooms, offices
f) Registration area
g) Audiovisual equipment and personnel
h) Food and social meeting services

6) Meeting Management

a) Services available
b) Comprehensive
c) International experience
d) Financial and fundraising skills
) Communication, promotion and display skills

7) Time of year and weather

Richard B. Colletti, MD
University of Vermont College of Medicine



Process for Selection of the Venue of the 3rd World Congress

The process for the selection of the site of the 3rd and subsequent World Congresses should balance the needs of FISPGHAN to play a meaningful role in the decision with the needs of the Host Society to utilize its intimate knowledge of its resources to meet its organizational and fiduciary responsibilities.  Other organizations, such as the United European Gastroenterology Federation (UEGF, that organizes the annual meeting United European Gastroenterology Week – UEGW) and the adult gastroenterology world congress, have detailed policy and procedures, including on-site visits to proposed sites, years in advance of the congress time. It was felt that it is necessary for FISPGHAN to decide upon and implement clear, fair and effective policy and procedures for the selection process.  A document prepared by R. Colletti and S. Guandalini (Principles for Selection of a Venue for the World Congress), distributed in March to the FISPGHAN Council, lists 7 critieria for selection.  G. Cleghorn thought this was an excellent document and suggested some additional modifications could be made to improve it. It was felt the site selection could occur after the Prague meeting with a final decision made during a face-to-face Council meeting in early 2004.  H. Winter felt that an early selection of the site and appointment of the Chair of the Host Executive Committee could enable that Chair to observe, participate and learn from the final planning of the current World Congress.

S.Guandalini suggested that one approach to the selection process could consist of the following: [1] there would be an announcement inviting applications from interested venues within the Host Society; [2] each applicant site would prepare a proposal (in a format determined by FISPGHAN) that meets the 7 criteria for selection; [3] applications would be submitted to both FISPGHAN and the Host Society; [4] the Host Society would systematically review all of the applications, summarize the advantages and disadvantages of each application and submit a report to FISPGHAN with a recommendation for a site; [5] FISPGHAN would review the applications and the summary report and recommendation of the Host Society and vote to select a venue.

: S.Guandalini will draft a policy for the selection process.

ACTION: G. Cleghorn will communicate with R. Colletti about suggested changes to the 7 criteria.

ACTION: R.Colletti will draft a timeline for the selection process.  The draft policy, the modified criteria and the timeline will be submitted for discussion and finalization at the next FISPGHAN Council meeting in Prague.


E-mail encaminhado em: 21/04/2003

Stefano Guandalini wrote:

Dear all,

I am sending here for your perusal, as agreed upon in our latest conference call, my document on the process we have agreed to follow for the selection of the future times and venues of our World Congresses.

While it is good to hear comments from anyone, I believe now it is particularly important that we hear from Joaquin and Ulysses, who missed the call (but must have received by now the minutes of it) and who are of course the representatives of the Host Society for the next meeting!

Best greetings.

Stefano Guandalini, M.D.
FISPGHAN President 

Process to Select the Venue of the World Congress of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition

Approximately 5 years prior to a World Congress (or 1 year before the time of the World Congress preceding that for which the venue has to be selected), a letter composed and signed by the current President of the Society scheduled to host the Congress (“Host Society”) and the Chair of the FISPGHAN Council will be sent by email and postal mail to all members of the Host Society.  The letter will call for submission of proposals to organize the World Congress and explain the process for selection.  All proposals, submitted according to a specific format determined by FISPGHAN, must convincingly demonstrate their qualifications by addressing all of the criteria considered by FISPGHAN as crucial for a successful event.  Within approximately 3 months after the call for submission, the signed proposals must be submitted by email and postal mail to both the current President of the Host Society and the Chair of the FISPGHAN Council, who will forward them to all of the FISPGHAN Councilors.

Within approximately 3 months after the deadline for submission of proposals, the governing body of the Host Society will review and scrutinize each proposal, will weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each proposal for each of the criteria, and will submit a report to FISPGHAN with a summary of their deliberations and a ranking of the proposals.  The two representatives of the Host Society within FISPGHAN will then present to the whole FISPGHAN Council the proposals with their comments and recommendations.  The FISPGHAN Council will discuss such recommendations and select the best proposal, indicating also, if appropriate, up to 2 additional alternatives.  If time and finances allow (a specific vote by the Council is requested), the FISPGHAN Chair and Executive Director (or others if designated by the FISPGHAN Council) will perform an on-site visit of the most suitable site or sites.  After final designation of venue and date, by a vote of the FISPGHAN Council, and its acceptance by the proposed organizers, the selection will be formally announced at the preceding World Congress, and will be published in the Federation’s periodical, International Seminars.

Proposed Timeline for Selection of the Venue for the 3rd World Congress

E-mail encaminhado em: 21/04/2003

Joaquin Kohn wrote:


Creo que debemos analizar muy bien los últimos e-mails de Coletti (Minutes of FISPGHAN Council Conference Call) y de Guandalini (Selection of future venues), ya que creo que debemos dar una respuesta conjunta, e incluso considerar si esto puede necesitar un importante cambio de las estrategias a desarrollar en el ámbito de nuestra Sociedad.

Te pediría que vos elabores la respuesta ya que tu inglés es mucho más fluente que el mío, que la consideremos en conjunto, y que me hagas conocer que piensas respecto a lo que te escribo más arriba.

Además, con respecto a la vice-presidencia, pienso que quizás debieras hacer una nota a cada uno de los vocales y vice-presidentes, asumiendote como Presidente nominado, y haciendo conocer que Brasil y Argentina me proponen para la vice-presidencia (si es que esto realmente es así), y quizás comenzando con los países del sur (para ir sumando votos positivos).

Te esta forma iríamos despejando incógnitas y haciendo más sólida la propuesta en nuestra propia Sociedad.

Te pido me hagas conocer que piensas de todos estos puntos.

Felices Pascuas para tí y tu familia, y un abrazo para tí y Fabia



E-mail encaminhado em: 29/04/2003

Ulysses Fagundes-Neto wrote:

To: Kohn
Subject: Re: Call conference and future venues

Estimado Joaquin:

Estoy todavia digeriendo las minutas de Colletti y Guandalino para contestar con la razón y no con el hígado que fue mi primer impulso. Por supuesto así que tenga algo hecho pasaré para ti para que hagas una análisis crictica y después mandaremos para ellos. Con relación a la divulgación de tu nombre para vice estoy de acuerdo con tu propuesta y trataré de hacerlo en seguida.

Un fuerte abrazo.



A viagem para Praga era muito importante para que eu pudesse apresentar o primeiro esboço do nosso projeto de organização do Congresso Mundial. Eu havia trabalhado com grande afinco para apresentar algo que pudesse satisfzer a análise crítica dos membros da FISPGHAN. Entretanto, por cúmulo dos azares uma fatalidade imprevista impossibilitou minha ida a Praga. A viagem havia sido marcada com uma escala em Frankfurt e no dia seguinte embarcaria para Praga. De fato, no horário aprazado no momento do embarque, já praticamente na porta de entrada da aeronave, ao entregar meu cartão de embarque ao comissário foi me solicitada a verificação do meu passaporte, e constatado que eu não tinha o visto de entrada na República Checa. Resultado, fui impedido de embarcar, a viagem estava perdida, e perdidos também estavam meus planos de apresentar o projeto de organização do Congresso. O desespero foi total, eu não tinha a mínima ideia de que era necessário visto para viajar para a República Checa e minha agente de viagens não havia me avisado que este procedimento era necessário. Tive que voltar do meio do caminho completamente frustrado imaginando que todos os nossos projetos tinham ido por água abaixo. O destino, porém, nos salvou porque poucos membros da FISPGHAN estiveram presentes à reunião do Council, e desta forma a reunião foi adiada para uma nova ocasião. A seguir descrevo os preparativos para a malfadada viagem que não aconteceu e que quase me matou de tristeza.


E-mail encaminhado em: 30/04/2003

Dear Mr. Fagundes – Neto,

Thank you for reservation in our hotel Crowne Plaza Prague. It is pleasure for me to confirm your transfer reservation from the airport to our hotel.  Our hotel driver will be waitting at the arrival hall / near the information office / with the sign of your name + hotel logo.

Price for this transfer is 550-CZK.

Flight details: 3.6.2003 – Czech Air 701 arr. at 18:15.
In case there will be any changes please let us know. With high regards



E-mail encaminhado em: 1/05/2003

Joaquin Kohn wrote:


Creo que deberíamos enviar esta respuesta a Coletti y Guandalino antes de viajar. Además creo que deberíamos preparar un CD parta llevar como Dossier en donde deberiamos estar demostrando que practicamente estan cumpliomentadas todas las condiciones que se solicitan. Esto podría incluir un resumen de todos los e-mails que se enviaron votando por Iguazú y por los otros lugares que se propusieron, más las condiciones del lugar, hotelería, etc, todo según el mismo ordenamiento solicitado en las minutas, lo cual debería ser preparado por la empresa que se propondría para la organización del congreso. Lo del hotel tendría que ser actualizado, incluyendo las nuevas instalaciones que se estaban construyendo. El dossier debería incluir el compromiso de VARIG para dar vuelos suficientes en la ruta San-Pablo/Iguazú, y también la propuesta de tarifas preferenciales para los asistentes al congreso, y en general ver que todo se correlacione con los 7 criterios de selección planteados. Todo esto debería ser preparado por la empresa que actuaría como organizadora, con criterio de riego, ya que seguramente ellos saben hacerlo mejor que nosotros.

Con esos elementos podríamos plantear que todo está cumplimentado, desde el proceso de elección hasta la cumplimentación de los 7 criterios, y que de esta manera SE DEBERÍA RESPETAR lo decidido por la Sociedad huesped.  Qué opinas?

Otro punto importante que debemos decidir antes de los próximos 10 días es lo que plantea Venezuela respecto a que se proponen para la proxima Directoría de la Sociedad, lo cual debería ser simultáneo con la propuesta de como hacer la votación.

En este último punto yo propondría que se lleve en sobre cerrado la votación de los Socios actuales de la Sociedad, como si ellos estuvieran presentes en la asamblea (en función de que por los costos y la situación actual son pocos los que pueden viajar, etc, etc…).

Porqué propongo esto ?  Porque si recién discutimos el procedimiento en Madrid (que por cierto tendría que ser votación por e-mail) debería aceptarse que voten sólo los socios que estén al día; todos sabemos que la cuota se paga en los congresos, y ahora habrá pocos en Madrid para esto. Corremos el riesgo de que se inscriban muchos españoles y que pocos latinoamericanos paguen su cuota, y que entonces pueda prevalecer la propuesta de Isabel como candidata a Presidenta, y en ese caso sólo nos quedaría plantear que un español no puede presidir la Soc LA pero creo que esto no sería muy político. Es cierto que las propuestas para integrarse a la Soc, según estatuto deben presentarse con 2 meses de antelación, pero yo preferiría llevarlo ya todo cocinado.

La otra situación sería conseguir que mucha gente de Argentina, Brasil, Uruguay y Venezuela tenga ya su cuota paga para la reunión de Madrid, y además habría que desarrollar una propuesta para la elección de las autoridades, escribirla y firmarla por todos los socios actuales con cuota actualizada, para que se tenga como votos válidos para la discusión en Madrid (en San Pablo, Córdoba, Montevideo, Bs As no habría problemas, y en otras ciudades la propuesta se manda por e-mail a referentes de otras ciudades quienes la imprimen, la hacen firmar y la envían por carta a quién la llevaría a Madrid.

Eventualmente, todo esto deberíamos hacerlo muy rápidamente, ya que queda muy poco tiempo.

Y finalmente me gustaría conocer tu opinión sobre la propuesta de Colombia, de hacer en Cartagena de Indias el próximo Latino Americano. Yo tengo la impresión de que Venezuela quiere la Directoría, pero no dice nada de hacer el Congreso, y que como son vecinos, quizás podrían combinarse ambas situaciones….?

Todo esto debría ir atado con el consenso para la autoridades para el mundial 2008, como para ya llevar la propuesta a Praga ?

Quizas puedas conversar todas estas cosas con tu grupo, como para consensuar opiniones y ver que piensa la gente.

Ya tienes hotel para hospedarte en Praga?

Espero tus opiniones.
Un abrazo



E-mail encaminhado em: 5/05/2003

Dear Mr. Ulysses Fagundes-Neto,

Thank you for your reservation in our hotel Crowne Plaza Prague. I would like to inform you that your transfer from the airport to our hotel is already booked. I confirm that.

The flight details: 3.6.2003, OK 701 from Madrid, arr. at 18:15.

We kindly ask you to follow the sign of your name + hotel logo near the INFORMATION DESK at the arrival hall. This is meeting point with the driver.

Price for this service is 550-CZK per car. In case there will be any changes please let us know. Have a pleasant flight.

With high regards



E-mail encaminhado em: 8/05/2003

Ulysses Fagundes-Neto wrote:

Estimado Joaquin:

Sigue el borrador para que opines:

Dear Stefano

Unfortunately important unexpected commitments at the University prevented me to attend the Conference call. Joaquin and I have already analysed the minutes and we are looking forward to discuss it further with the whole group at our next meeting in Prague, June 4. We appreciate your concern for ensuring that the venue chosen will fulfill all necessary requirements “to provide a forum for presentation of high-quality, original, scientific research which will make up the vast majority of the program” according to our Bylaws – article 3. Nevertheless, we would like to inform you that following Article 5 item b of our Bylaws we started in December 2002 the formal process for asessing potential sites to hold World Congress 3. There were 3 official candidates for potential sites, as follows: Iguaçu, Cancun and Rio de Janeiro. An extensive survey was carried out and every member of LASPGHAN was consulted. Members were offered the 3 possibilities as potential venues for the World Congress 2008. The election process started in   and ended in. The results were the following:

Joaquin and I took 2 trips to Iguaçu to carefully check out all the hotel facilities and the infrastructural conditions to hold the World Congress. Concerning these aspects Iguaçu completely fulfilled the requirements to be the ideal venue for the World Congress 2008. Moreover, I would also like to inform that Iguaçu fully met all the 7 selection criteria proposed by Colletti. We also will take with us a detailed videotape of all the facilities available for a more precise evaluation by the other FISPGHAN members.

I am looking forward to seeing you in Prague next June.

Best regards,

Caro Joaquin, favor contestar a la brevedad para que podamos enviar rapidamente la contestación.
Un fuerte abrazo,



E-mail encaminhado em: 10/05/2003

Joaquin Kohn wrote:


Me parece perfecto lo que le envías a Guandalini; creo que podrías agregarle lo que te estoy enviando en el attach, que son los resultados de la elección revisados y definitivos, en donde incluso por países la elección favoreció a Iguazú.

Me demoré para enviar los datos exactos, y llevaremos una carpeta con copias de los e-mails de cada uno de los que votó por si lo quisieran revisar.

Creo que sería una absoluta falta de respeto para con los GE pediatras latinoamericanos que luego de realizar esta votación un grupo de FISPGHAN pretendiera cambiar lo elegido por nosotros en forma completamente democrática.

Un abrazo y cariños a la familia



E-mail encaminhado em: 13/05/2003

Ulysses Fagundes-Neto wrote:

Dear Stefano

Unfortunately, important unexpected commitments at the University prevented me to attend the Conference call. Joaquin and I have already analysed the minutes and we are looking forward to discuss it further with the whole group at our next meeting in Prague, June 4. We appreciate your concern for ensuring that the venue chosen will fulfill all necessary requirements “to provide a forum for presentation of high-quality, original, scientific research which will make up the vast majority of the program” according to our Bylaws – article 3. Nevertheless, we would like to inform you that following Article 5 item b of our Bylaws we started in December 2002 the formal process for asessing potential sites to hold World Congress 3. There were 3 official candidates for potential sites, as follows: Iguaçu, Cancun and Rio de Janeiro. An extensive survey was carried out and every member of LASPGHAN was consulted. Members were offered the 3 possibilities as potential venues for the World Congress 2008. The election process started in February 25 and ended in March 15. The results were the following: Iguaçu 189, Cancun 53 and Rio de Janeiro 9 votes, Total: 251 votes. 

Joaquin and I took 2 trips to Iguaçu to carefully check out all the hotel facilities and the infrastructural conditions to hold the World Congress. Concerning these aspects Iguaçu completely fulfilled the requirements to be the ideal venue for the World Congress 2008. Moreover, I would also like to inform that Iguaçu fully met all the 7 selection criteria proposed by Colletti. We also will take with us a detailed videotape of all the facilities available for a more precise evaluation by the other FISPGHAN members.

I am looking forward to seeing you in Prague next June.

With my best regards



E-mail encaminhado em: 23/05/2003

Joaquin Kohn wrote:


Ya casi estamos saliendo para Praga. Yo salgo el 29/5 y llego el 30 de mayo a la noche, y trataré de comunicarme contigo, para lo cual te pediría me hagas llegar el Nro. telefónico de tu hotel (si lo tienes), ya que yo aún no tengo definido el hotel donde estaré.

También te pediría me hagas saber como tienes proyectado encarar la reunión de FISPGHAN y aquellas consideraciones que tú creas necesario para unificar criterios, y si crees que debo levar algún material.

Un abrazo



E-mail encaminhado em: 25/05/2003

Richard Colletti wrote:

Attached is a draft of an application for selection as the venue for future World Congresses. It provides background information, principles for selection, and a format for presentation of information about the proposed site.  This document, which clarifies and amplifies the statement sent by Stefano on April 21, will be discussed during our Council meeting in Prague.  Margaret Stallings will be sending a final agenda and additional materials to you later this week.  Best wishes! /Dick

Richard B. Colletti, MD
University of Vermont College of Medicine


The Federation of International Societies for
Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition


The purpose of the World Congress of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition is to bring together people from all over the world to advance the science and practice of pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition.  The World Congress is the annual meeting of the four organizing Societies for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition: the Asian Pan-Pacific Society (APPSPGHAN), the European Society (ESPGHAN), the Latin American Society (LASPGHAN), and the North American Society (NASPGHAN); as well as the Commonwealth Association for Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition (CAPGAN).  The First World Congress was held in North America in Boston in August 2000, and the Second World Congress will be held in Europe in Paris in July 2004, the Third World Congress in Latin America in 2008 and the Fourth World Congress in the Asia-Pan-Pacific region in 2012.

The Federation of International Societies for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (FISPGHAN) was established in August 2000 to promote and organize The World Congress of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition. The FISPGHAN Council consists of two representatives from each of the founding members, APPSPGHAN, ESPGHAN, LASPGHAN and NASPGHAN, as well as the Chair of the Host Executive Committee, the Executive Director and a representative from CAPGAN.  The President of the FISPGHAN Council is a member of the Society hosting the World Congress.  FISPGHAN establishes the principles of organization of the World Congress and supervises the operations of the hosting Society.  The hosting Society is responsible for the production and operations of the World Congress, carried out by the Host Executive Committee.  The Host Executive Committee, consisting of members of the hosting Society, has the responsibility to organize the scientific program, the solicitation and rating of abstracts, the preparation and publication of the Working Group Reports and the social program.  The Local Organizing Committee assists the Host Executive Committee in local arrangements.  The Host Executive Committee is also responsible for selecting and utilizing a meeting management company, as well as preparing and adhering to a budget.  Any financial surplus generated by the World Congress is divided among the four founding members; however, any and all financial losses incurred by the World Congress are the responsibility of the hosting Society.

The site of the World Congress is determined by a vote of the FISPGHAN Council.  The goal is to select a venue and leadership that will bring the largest number of pediatric gastroenterologists, hepatologists, nutritionists and other attendees from around the world to a setting that is comfortable, efficient and affordable.  The venue should provide an environment that fosters vigorous scientific exchange while promoting professional relationships through amiable and pleasant social interactions.

Process for Selection of the Venue

The process for selection of the site for the next World Congress consists of the following.  Approximately 5 years prior to a World Congress (or 1 year before the time of the World Congress preceding that for which the venue has to be selected), a letter composed and signed by the current President of the Society scheduled to host the Congress (“Host Society”) and the Chair of the FISPGHAN Council will be sent by email and postal mail to all members of the Host Society.  The letter will call for submission of proposals to organize the World Congress and explain the process for selection.  All proposals, submitted according to a specific format determined by FISPGHAN, must convincingly demonstrate their qualifications by addressing all of the criteria considered by FISPGHAN as crucial for a successful event.  Within approximately 3 months after the call for submission, the signed proposals must be submitted by email and postal mail to both the current President of the Host Society and the Chair of the FISPGHAN Council, who will forward them to all of the FISPGHAN Councilors.

Within approximately 3 months after the deadline for submission of proposals, the governing body of the Host Society will review and scrutinize each proposal, will weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each proposal for each of the criteria, and will submit a report to FISPGHAN with a summary of their deliberations and a ranking of the proposals.  The two representatives of the Host Society to FISPGHAN will then present to the FISPGHAN Council the proposals with their comments and recommendations.  The FISPGHAN Council will discuss such recommendations and select the best proposal, indicating also, if appropriate, up to 2 additional alternatives.  If time and finances allow (a specific vote by the Council is requested), the FISPGHAN Chair and Executive Director (or others if designated by the FISPGHAN Council) will perform an on-site visit of the most suitable site or sites.  After final designation of venue and date, by a vote of the FISPGHAN Council, and its acceptance by the proposed organizers, the selection will be formally announced at the preceding World Congress, and will be published in the Federation’s periodical, International Seminars.

The following is the timeline for selection of the venue for the Third World Congress:


Criteria for Selection

1) Effective leadership

a) Experience in organizing meetings
b) Relationships with other leaders
c) Ability to form an effective and representative Host Executive Committee
d) Fundraising skills
e) Time and resources
f) Fluency in English and electronic communications

2) Fundraising

a) Availability of financial resources
b) Successful relationships with biomedical industry
c) Money management
d) Security of funds

3) Transportation

a) Availability
b) Convenience
c) Cost
d) Written statement from the official airline regarding service and discounts

4) Attributes of the city

a) Attractiveness, tourist appeal
b) Availability of comfortable 2-star to 5-star hotels
c) Cost
d) Safety
e) Local transportation and shuttles
f) Attractive settings for social events and accompanying persons
g) Endorsement (and support) of the local government
h) Reflection of the culture of the host society

5) Convention facilities

a) Plenary session hall
b) Parallel session rooms
c) Exhibition, posters and learning center
d) Meeting rooms
e) Hospitality rooms, offices
f) Registration area
g) Audiovisual equipment and personnel
h) Food and social meeting services

6) Meeting Management

a) Services available
b) Comprehensive
c) International experience
d) Financial and fundraising skills
e) Communication, promotion and display skills

7) Time of year and weather


Format of the Application

The application for the venue and organization of the Third World Congress of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition should be submitted in English with the following format.  (Text should be single-spaced in 12 font.)

Section 1 Title page

Section 2 Table of Contents with page numbers indicated

Section 3 Contact information

Provide the name, institution, address, telephone, fax and email information for the organization and individuals submitting the application.

Section 4 Cover letter

Section 5 Abstract

On one page describe the highlights of the application and the seven criteria.

Section 6 Leadership

Describe the proposed leadership, including potential Chair and members of the Host Executive Committee and Local Organizing Committee.  Indicate whether such individuals have been contacted and have agreed to accept those positions.  Describe the experience in organizing meetings of each of the major leaders, indicating their relationship with other leaders and members within the host Society and other Societies.  Discuss their fundraising skills and experience. Document the ability, commitment and resources available of the leaders to perform their duties.  Indicate the extent of fluency in English and ability to communicate effectively by email in a timely fashion.

Section 7 Fundraising and Financial

Describe the availability of financial resources, including relationships with biomedical industry.  Indicate previous fundraising experience, providing quantitative information.  Discuss skills and experience with budgeting and money management professionally and with previous meetings and other major events.  State plans for maintaining security of the funds, including banking, accounting and auditing.  Provide budget estimates of revenue, expenses and surplus.

Section 8 Transportation

Describe the nature of international transportation to the proposed site.  Indicate the number of airlines with and frequency of international flights.  Discuss the relative costs and convenience of travel to the proposed site. Provide examples of specific flights, including times, airports and costs for travel to the proposed site from Singapore, London and Cincinnati. Submit a written statement from airlines that have agreed to provide special service or discounts.

Section 9 Attributes of the City

Describe the attractions of the proposed site and appealing tourist attractions.  Indicate the number of available rooms and beds for 2-star to 5-star hotels, as well as dormitory or other very inexpensive accommodations, providing a range of costs per night for each level.  Discuss the safety of the convention center, hotels and surrounding areas. State the availability of local or regional facilities for medical emergencies. Indicate the availability and cost of transportation, including taxis, buses and shuttles, between the airport and hotels, hotels and the convention center, between the hotels and to tourist attractions.  Describe attractive settings for social events and tourist activities for accompanying persons or side trips.  Provide documentation of endorsements or subsidies offered by the local and national governments.  Discuss the extent to which the proposed site is a reflection of the culture of the host Society.

Section 10 Convention Facilities

Describe the proposed convention facilities, including the capacity of the plenary session hall, the number and size of parallel session rooms and meeting rooms.  Describe the size and adaptability of halls for exhibits, posters and learning centers.  Also indicate accommodations for hospitality rooms, offices and registration areas.  State the quality and extent of audiovisual equipment and personnel, as well as food and social meeting services.  Provide detailed information regard costs for all of the above.

Section 11 Meeting Management

Discuss the availability and quality of meeting management companies (professional convention organizers).  Name specific companies, indicating their experience with large medical conventions.  Describe the services they could provide, the breadth and depth of their skills and experience with national and international meetings, finances, fundraising, communication, promotion and displays.

Section 12 Time of Year and Weather

Discuss options for the time of the year of the meeting and the expected weather.


Application Deadline

Submit the application, no later than 30 September 2003, both electronically and by overnight courier express, to both the Executive Director of FISPGHAN and the President of LASPGHAN.

Submit the application by email (as a Word file attachment), to Margaret Stallings, FISPGHAN Executive Director at [email protected], and by overnight courier express to:

Ms. Margaret Stallings

FISPGHAN Executive Director


E-mail encaminhado em: 25/05/2003

Joaquin Kohn wrote:


Te estoy enviado en el attach el venue application que envió Coletti, con mis pensamientos y propuestas al respecto, para que acordemos un discurso único.  Creo que lo enviado por Coletti es GRAVISIMO e INACEPTABLE.

Están marcados los párrafos más conflictivos, y mi opinión al respecto, y espero tus opiniones.

Yo salgo el 29 (jueves) a la mañana; si no me puedes enviar respuesta antes de ese día al correo mio habitual, me la puedes enviar a [email protected]  que yo estaré revisando ese correo.

Un abrazo y cariños a la flia.


The process for selection of the site for the next World Congress consists of the following.  Approximately 5 years prior to a World Congress (or 1 year before the time of the World Congress preceding that for which the venue has to be selected), a letter composed and signed by the current President of the Society scheduled to host the Congress (“Host Society”) and the Chair of the FISPGHAN Council will be sent by email and postal mail to all members of the Host Society.  The letter will call for submission of proposals to organize the World Congress and explain the process for selection.  All proposals, submitted according to a specific format determined by FISPGHAN, must convincingly demonstrate their qualifications by addressing all of the criteria considered by FISPGHAN as crucial for a successful event.  Within approximately 3 months after the call for submission, the signed proposals must be submitted by email and postal mail to both the current President of the Host Society and the Chair of the FISPGHAN Council, who will forward them to all of the FISPGHAN Councilors.

Creo que esto es intromission en los negocios de cada sociedad, las cuales pueden tener rezones propias de ellas para determinar la elección de uno u otro lugar (como en el caso de LASPGHAN en relación a sus razones históricas). Esto deberia ser reemplazado por:

1) el Chair of the FISPGHAN Council debe ser excluido de esta etapa (no tiene nada que hacer; la responsabilidad y la decision es de la soc. huésped, en tanto y en cuanto llene los requisitos establecidos por FISPGHAN.

2)El 2º párrafo marcado debe ser reemplazado por: the current President of the Host Society will forward them to all of the FISPGHAN Councilors

Within approximately 3 months after the deadline for submission of proposals, the governing body of the Host Society will review and scrutinize each proposal, will weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each proposal for each of the criteria, and will submit a report to FISPGHAN with a summary of their deliberations and a ranking of the proposals. 

Enviar a FISPGHAN una comunicacion con la decision de la Soc. Huesped

The two representatives of the Host Society to FISPGHAN will then present to the FISPGHAN Council the proposals with their comments and recommendations.  The FISPGHAN Council will discuss such recommendations and select the best proposal, indicating also, if appropriate, up to 2 additional alternatives. 


Los 2 representantes….presentaran a FISPGHAN los elementos necesarios que demuestren que las condiciones requeridas estan cumplimentadas. Si asi ocurriera, FISPGHAN aprobará la propuesta, y eventualmente hara recomendaciones para que se mejoren determinados aspectos (si así correspondiera). Solo si no se cumplimentaran los requisitos establecidos por FISPGHAN se pedirá a la Soc. Huésped que eleve una nueva propuesta.

Si se acepta lo propuesto originalmente, estamos aceptando que FISPGHAN haga política interna en nuestras sociedad.  INACEPTABLE !!!!!!!!!!

The process for selection of the site for the next World Congress consists of the following.  Approximately 5 years prior to a World Congress (or 1 year before the time of the World Congress preceding that for which the venue has to be selected), a letter composed and signed by the current President of the Society scheduled to host the Congress (“Host Society”) and the Chair of the FISPGHAN Council will be sent by email and postal mail to all members of the Host Society.  The letter will call for submission of proposals to organize the World Congress and explain the process for selection.  All proposals, submitted according to a specific format determined by FISPGHAN, must convincingly demonstrate their qualifications by addressing all of the criteria considered by FISPGHAN as crucial for a successful event.  Within approximately 3 months after the call for submission, the signed proposals must be submitted by email and postal mail to both the current President of the Host Society and the Chair of the FISPGHAN Council, who will forward them to all of the FISPGHAN Councilors.

Debe ser eliminado. La selección por la soc. huésped debe ser un proceso propio de esa sociedad, sin intromisión de FISPGHAN en sus asuntos.

Se establecerá un proceso de votación interno de cada sociedad (como el que nosotros realizamos) y el informe del resultado final será enviado (o presentado) a FISPGHAN.

Within approximately 3 months after the deadline for submission of proposals, the governing body of the Host Society will review and scrutinize each proposal, will weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each proposal for each of the criteria, and will submit a report to FISPGHAN with a summary of their deliberations and a ranking of the proposals. 

Debe ser eliminado, y reemplazado por:  enviar a FISPGHAN la propuesta de la Soc. huésped, señalando que se llenan los requisitos establecidos.

The two representatives of the Host Society to FISPGHAN will then present to the FISPGHAN Council the proposals with their comments and recommendations.

Igual que el comentario anterior, presentando la documentación y los elementos que certifiquen que se llenan los requisitos exigidos 

The FISPGHAN Council will discuss such recommendations and select the best proposal, indicating also, if appropriate, up to 2 additional alternatives. 

El FISPGHAN Council will discuss the proposal….y la aprobará si lo propuesto está acorde con lo exigido (o la rechazará si esto no ocurriera).

Aceptar el párrafo anterior es abrir el camino para que FISPGHAN haga política en los asuntos internos de cada sociedad…..INACEPTABLE !!!!!!!!!!

If time and finances allow (a specific vote by the Council is requested), the FISPGHAN Chair and Executive Director (or others if designated by the FISPGHAN Council) will perform an on-site visit of the most suitable site or sites.  After final designation of venue and date, by a vote of the FISPGHAN Council, and its acceptance by the proposed organizers, the selection will be formally announced at the preceding World Congress, and will be published in the Federation’s periodical, International Seminars.


E-mail encaminhado em: 28/05/2003

Joaquin Kohn wrote:


Qué opinas de enviar esto para incluirlo en la agenda de Praga?



To: Federation of International Societies for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition <[email protected]>
Subject: FISPGHAN Council Meeting

Dear Margaret
Dear Stefano

I´m sending the whole vote process made between January to march 2003 in LASPGHAN to choose the place for the “Third World Congress” to include in the agenda for the FISPGHAN Council meeting on June 4 in Prague, if it is posible. Of course, it is in spanish and portuguese, but we can comment it at the meeting.

With best regards

Dr. Isidoro Joaquin Kohn


E-mail encaminhado em: 2/06/2003

To: Crowne Plaza
Subject: Re: transfer confirmation

Dear Sir:

I am sorry once again, but this is not my fault, the flight Paris-Prague was canceled today. So, I had to change my itinerary, and I will arrive from Frankfourt by CZEH Airlines at 20:10 flight # 537, June 3. I hope you can still provide me the transfer to the hotel.

Thank you so much.



Dear Mr.Ulysses,

Thank you for your e-mail, I am very sorry you have so much troubles with your flights. At this moment your transfer is reserved for: June 3, Czech Air. 537, arr. at 20:10 from Frankfurt. In case there will be any changes please let me know.
Good luck with your flight. Have a nice day.

With high regards,


E-mail encaminhado em: 8/06/2003


Federation of International Societies of
Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition

FISPGHAN Meeting Minutes

Attached are the minutes of the FISPGHAN Council meeting this past week, as well as the policy of remuneration that we agreed upon last year in Taormina.  Your comments and suggestions are welcome. Please read the minutes carefully and note the follow-up actions.  Best wishes & /Dick

Richard B. Colletti, MD
University of Vermont College of Medicine

Date: 4 June 2003
Place: Prague, Czech Republic

Process for the Selection of the Venue of Future World Congresses

The 6-page draft Venue Application Form for future World Congresses, included with the Agenda materials, was summarized.  Councilors noted that each World Congress represents the annual meeting of each of the Societies and, as the annual meetings are usually a source of revenue for the individual Societies, the individual Societies therefore have a vested interest in its financial success.  It was also noted that large organizations typically have a bidding process to select a venue.  It was felt that a formal written proposal must be submitted before any venue is chosen; such a proposal is necessary due diligence to substantiate the soundness of the proposed venue, while at the same time to help the Host Society in its planning.  FISPGHAN also has a role in providing information to the Host Society about the needs of the other Societies. J.Kohn expressed the opinion of the LASPGHAN representatives that the role of FISPGHAN should be to insure that the requirements detailed in the Venue Application Form were met, but FISPGHAN should not otherwise be involved in choosing the site.  In addition, J.Kohn reported that more than 80% of LASPGHAN members have voted to have the meeting of World Congress 3 in Iguazu, Brazil; documentation of the voting was included in the Agenda materials.  He expressed the view that only the Host Society understands the unique conditions of its domain, and he expressed the belief that LASPGHAN could successfully arrange a conference for 3000 participants in Iguazu. Although no formal vote was taken, the representatives of APPSPGHAN, ESPGHAN and NASPGHAN endorsed the 6-page Venue Application Form included with the Agenda materials.  J.Kohn requested that LASPGHAN submit a proposal for Iguazu as the venue. It was also noted that additional factors that should be considered is the ease with which exhibitors can ship their exhibits to the venue, as well as visa requirements and other aspects of access to the site.

: LASPGHAN will submit via email specific proposed changes to the Venue Application Form by the end of June.

ACTION: LASPGHAN will submit via email a completed Venue Application Form for Iguazu, utilizing the attached (revised) venue application form, by the end of June.
E-mail encaminhado em: 15/06/2003

Richard Colletti wrote:

Dear colleagues and friends: Attached are the revised minutes of the FISPGHAN Council meeting of 4 June 2003, with some typographical errors corrected. Also attached is a revised version of the Venue Application, which now includes mention of shipping of exhibits and visas (section 8).

Best wishes & /Dick

Richard B. Colletti, MD
University of Vermont College of Medicine

Joaquin and Ulysses: please use this revised venue application in preparing your proposal for Iguazu and for submitting your proposed changes.  I’d be happy to chat with you about this, let me know and I’ll call you.
Best wishes & /Dick


The Federation of International Societies for
Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition


The purpose of the World Congress of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition is to bring together people from all over the world to advance the science and practice of pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition.  The World Congress is the annual meeting of the four organizing Societies for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition: the Asian Pan-Pacific Society (APPSPGHAN), the European Society (ESPGHAN), the Latin American Society (LASPGHAN), and the North American Society (NASPGHAN); as well as the Commonwealth Association for Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition (CAPGAN).  The First World Congress was held in North America in Boston in August 2000, and the Second World Congress will be held in Europe in Paris in July 2004, the Third World Congress in Latin America in 2008 and the Fourth World Congress in the Asia-Pan-Pacific region in 2012.

The Federation of International Societies for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (FISPGHAN) was established in August 2000 to promote and organize The World Congress of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition. The FISPGHAN Council consists of two representatives from each of the founding members, APPSPGHAN, ESPGHAN, LASPGHAN and NASPGHAN, as well as the Chair of the Host Executive Committee, the Executive Director and a representative from CAPGAN.  The President of the FISPGHAN Council is a member of the Society hosting the World Congress.  FISPGHAN establishes the principles of organization of the World Congress and supervises the operations of the hosting Society.  The hosting Society is responsible for the production and operations of the World Congress, carried out by the Host Executive Committee.  The Host Executive Committee, consisting of members of the hosting Society, has the responsibility to organize the scientific program, the solicitation and rating of abstracts, the preparation and publication of the Working Group Reports and the social program.  The Local Organizing Committee assists the Host Executive Committee in local arrangements.  The Host Executive Committee is also responsible for selecting and utilizing a meeting management company, as well as preparing and adhering to a budget.  Any financial surplus generated by the World Congress is divided among the four founding members; however, any and all financial losses incurred by the World Congress are the responsibility of the hosting Society.

The site of the World Congress is determined by a vote of the FISPGHAN Council.  The goal is to select a venue and leadership that will bring the largest number of pediatric gastroenterologists, hepatologists, nutritionists and other attendees from around the world to a setting that is comfortable, efficient and affordable.  The venue should provide an environment that fosters vigorous scientific exchange while promoting professional relationships through amiable and pleasant social interactions.


Process for Selection of the Venue

The process for selection of the site for the next World Congress consists of the following.  Approximately 5 years prior to a World Congress (or 1 year before the time of the World Congress preceding that for which the venue has to be selected), a letter composed and signed by the current President of the Society scheduled to host the Congress (“Host Society”) and the Chair of the FISPGHAN Council will be sent by email and postal mail to all members of the Host Society.  The letter will call for submission of proposals to organize the World Congress and explain the process for selection.  All proposals, submitted according to a specific format determined by FISPGHAN, must convincingly demonstrate their qualifications by addressing all of the criteria considered by FISPGHAN as crucial for a successful event.  Within approximately 3 months after the call for submission, the signed proposals must be submitted by email and postal mail to both the current President of the Host Society and the Chair of the FISPGHAN Council, who will forward them to all of the FISPGHAN Councilors.

Within approximately 3 months after the deadline for submission of proposals, the governing body of the Host Society will review and scrutinize each proposal, will weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each proposal for each of the criteria, and will submit a report to FISPGHAN with a summary of their deliberations and a ranking of the proposals.  The two representatives of the Host Society to FISPGHAN will then present to the FISPGHAN Council the proposals with their comments and recommendations.  The FISPGHAN Council will discuss such recommendations and select the best proposal, indicating also, if appropriate, up to 2 additional alternatives.  If time and finances allow (a specific vote by the Council is requested), the FISPGHAN Chair and Executive Director (or others if designated by the FISPGHAN Council) will perform an on-site visit of the most suitable site or sites.  After final designation of venue and date, by a vote of the FISPGHAN Council, and its acceptance by the proposed organizers, the selection will be formally announced at the preceding World Congress, and will be published in the Federation’s periodical, International Seminars.

The following is the timeline for selection of the venue for the Third World Congress:


Criteria for Selection

The following is a list of factors that the hosting Society and the FISPGHAN Council will evaluate as part of the process of reviewing and voting on the approval of a venue for the next World Congress:


1) Effective leadership

a) Experience in organizing meetings
b) Relationships with other leaders
c) Ability to form an effective and representative Host Executive Committee
d) Fundraising skills
e) Time and resources
f) Fluency in English and electronic communications

2) Fundraising

a) Availability of financial resources
b) Successful relationships with biomedical industry
c) Money management
d) Security of funds

3) Transportation

a) Availability
b) Convenience
c) Cost
d) Written statement from the official airline regarding service and discounts

4) Attributes of the city

a) Attractiveness, tourist appeal
b) Availability of comfortable 2-star to 5-star hotels
c) Cost
d) Safety
e) Local transportation and shuttles
f) Attractive settings for social events and accompanying persons
g) Endorsement (and support) of the local government
h) Reflection of the culture of the host society

5) Convention facilities

a) Plenary session hall
b) Parallel session rooms
c) Exhibition, posters and learning center
d) Meeting rooms
e) Hospitality rooms, offices
f) Registration area
g) Audiovisual equipment and personnel
h) Food and social meeting services

6) Meeting Management

a) Services available
b) Comprehensive
c) International experience
d) Financial and fundraising skills
e) Communication, promotion and display skills

7) Time of year and weather


Format of the Application

The application for the venue and organization of the Third World Congress of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition should be submitted in English with the following format.  (Text should be single-spaced in 12 font.)

Section 1 Title page

Section 2 Table of Contents with page numbers indicated

Section 3 Contact information

Provide the name, institution, address, telephone, fax and email information for the organization and individuals submitting the application.

Section 4 Cover letter

Section 5 Abstract

On one page describe the highlights of the application and the seven criteria.

Section 6 Leadership

Describe the proposed leadership, including potential Chair and members of the Host Executive Committee and Local Organizing Committee.  Indicate whether such individuals have been contacted and have agreed to accept those positions.  Describe the experience in organizing meetings of each of the major leaders, indicating their relationship with other leaders and members within the host Society and other Societies.  Discuss their fundraising skills and experience. Document the ability, commitment and resources available of the leaders to perform their duties.  Indicate the extent of fluency in English and ability to communicate effectively by email in a timely fashion.

Section 7 Fundraising and Financial

Describe the availability of financial resources, including relationships with biomedical industry.  Indicate previous fundraising experience, providing quantitative information.  Discuss skills and experience with budgeting and money management professionally and with previous meetings and other major events.  State plans for maintaining security of the funds, including banking, accounting and auditing.  Provide budget estimates of revenue, expenses and surplus.

Section 8 Transportation

Describe the nature of international transportation to the proposed site.  Indicate the number of airlines with and frequency of international flights.  Discuss the relative costs and convenience of travel to the proposed site, including visa requirements.  Discuss the degree of difficulty for exhibitors to ship their exhibits to the venue.  Provide examples of specific flights, including times, airports and costs for travel to the proposed site from Singapore, London and Cincinnati. Submit a written statement from airlines that have agreed to provide special service or discounts.

Section 9 Attributes of the City

Describe the attractions of the proposed site and appealing tourist attractions.  Indicate the number of available rooms and beds for 2-star to 5-star hotels, as well as dormitory or other very inexpensive accommodations, providing a range of costs per night for each level.  Discuss the safety of the convention center, hotels and surrounding areas. State the availability of local or regional facilities for medical emergencies. Indicate the availability and cost of transportation, including taxis, buses and shuttles, between the airport and hotels, hotels and the convention center, between the hotels and to tourist attractions.  Describe attractive settings for social events and tourist activities for accompanying persons or side trips.  Provide documentation of endorsements or subsidies offered by the local and national governments.  Discuss the extent to which the proposed site is a reflection of the culture of the host Society.

Section 10 Convention Facilities

Describe the proposed convention facilities, including the capacity of the plenary session hall, the number and size of parallel session rooms and meeting rooms.  Describe the size and adaptability of halls for exhibits, posters and learning centers.  Also indicate accommodations for hospitality rooms, offices and registration areas.  State the quality and extent of audiovisual equipment and personnel, as well as food and social meeting services.  Provide detailed information regard costs for all of the above.

Section 11 Meeting Management

Discuss the availability and quality of meeting management companies (professional convention organizers).  Name specific companies, indicating their experience with large medical conventions.  Describe the services they could provide, the breadth and depth of their skills and experience with national and international meetings, finances, fundraising, communication, promotion and displays.

Section 12 Time of Year and Weather

Discuss options for the time of the year of the meeting and the expected weather.


Application Deadline

Submit the application, no later than 30 September 2003, both electronically and by overnight courier express, to both the Executive Director of FISPGHAN and the President of LASPGHAN.

Submit the application by email (as a Word file attachment), to Margaret Stallings, FISPGHAN Executive Director at [email protected], and by overnight courier express to:

Ms. Margaret Stallings

FISPGHAN Executive Director


E-mail encaminhado em: 17/06/2003

Ulysses Fagundes-Neto wrote:

Dear Dick:

Thank you for sending me the new application form, I am already working on it. I am planning your visit together with Stefano for the next September. Let me know what you think about it. The e-mail addresses of Penna and Vera are the following: Penna – [email protected] Vera – [email protected]

best regards, Ulysses


E-mail encaminhado em: 17/06/2003

Richard Colletti wrote:

Ulysses: It’s good to hear from you and that you are working on the proposal.  I would love to visit with you so we could drink some caipirinhas together.  But I think before we plan a visit to Brazil it would be good to have the proposal reviewed by FISPGHAN and have FISPGHAN authorize an official visit.  Please keep in touch.  I’d be happy to call and chat with you. Best wishes. & /Dick


E-mail encaminhado em: 22/062003

Joaquin Kohn wrote:

Querido Ulysses:

Seguramente habrás recibido las minutas de la reunión de Praga. Te pongo aquí el punto esencial que nos preocupaba, referido a la organización del mundial en Iguazú. Seguramente ya tienes noticias por Vera y Chico Penna, quienes también participaron de la reunión. Nuestra impresión fue que no se oponen a que se haga en Iguazú, pero que quieren que les demostremos que llena todos los requisitos que FISPGHAN plantea para la realización de este tipo de eventos, y esto en realidad no me parece mal.


Process for the Selection of the Venue of Future World Congresses

The 6-page draft Venue Application Form for future World Congresses, included with the Agenda materials, was summarized.  Councilors noted that each World Congress represents the annual meeting of each of the Societies and, as the annual meetings are usually a source of revenue for the individual Societies, the individual Societies therefore have a vested interest in its financial success.  It was also noted that large organizations typically have a bidding process to select a venue.  It was felt that a formal written proposal must be submitted before any venue is chosen; such a proposal is necessary due diligence to substantiate the soundness of the proposed venue, while at the same time to help the Host Society in its planning.  FISPGHAN also has a role in providing information to the Host Society about the needs of the other Societies. J. Kohn expressed the opinion of the LASPGHAN representatives that the role of FISPGHAN should be to insure that the requirements detailed in the Venue Application Form were met, but FISPGHAN should not otherwise be involved in choosing the site.  In addition, J. Kohn reported that more than 80% of LASPGHAN members have voted to have the meeting of World Congress 3 in Iguazu, Brazil; documentation of the voting was included in the Agenda materials.  He expressed the view that only the Host Society understands the unique conditions of its domain, and he expressed the belief that LASPGHAN could successfully arrange a conference for 3000 participants in Iguazu. Although no formal vote was taken, the representatives of APPSPGHAN, ESPGHAN and NASPGHAN endorsed the 6-page Venue Application Form included with the Agenda materials.  J. Kohn requested that LASPGHAN submit a proposal for Iguazu as the venue. It was also noted that additional factors that should be considered is the ease with which exhibitors can ship their exhibits to the venue, as well as visa requirements and other aspects of access to the site.

ACTION: LASPGHAN will submit via email specific proposed changes to the Venue Application Form by the end of June.

ACTION: LASPGHAN will submit via email a completed Venue Application Form for Iguazu, utilizing the attached (revised) venue application form, by the end of June.

He resaltado los aspectos que tenemos que cumplimentar para que sea considerada y aprobada la propuesta de Iguazú. Por lo que Colletti pone, para fines de este mes deberíamos estar enviando un documento en donde punto por punto demostramos que Iguazú es viable según los requerimientos que se han planteado, y esto es lo que nos han pedido que hagamos.

Otra cosa importante que pidieron es que hubiera notas de apoyo de laboratorios para la realización del Congreso en Iguazú (o bien del Gobierno estadual si es que estuvieras contemplando esta posibilidad).

Creo que debemos definir como lo vamos a hacer. O bien lo haces tú desde San Pablo, aprovechando que tienes a la empresa del Hotel Mabú allí para que te provea la información que nos es requerida (y se podría requerir colaboración a la gente de la empresa que está interesada en participar de la organización del congreso…), o no se cual será tu plan en este aspecto.

Yo no tengo inconvenientes en colaborar en lo que tú me indiques que debo realizar (ver lo que hay en Iguazú del lado argentino, averiguar con aerolíneas locales las posibilidades para acceder a Iguazú (puede ser Lan Chile para los que vienen del Pacífico, o Aerolineas Argentinas para reforzar lo de Varig….), etc, etc…

En todos estos aspectos espero que me hagas conocer cual es tu pensamiento, y la planificación que se te ocurre que debemos llevar adelante, pero lo cierto es que creo que ya se largó la carrera y tenemos que ponernos con todo empeño para llevarla adelante.

Supongo también que ya sabrás que en la reunión de gobierno de nuestra sociedad se aprobó prácticamente todo lo que habíamos pensado, inclusive la constitución del Comité Ejecutivo para el 3o Congreso Mundial (yo como vice-presidente, y un representante de Venezuela- Domingo Jaen-, y uno por México – en este caso fue Jaime Belkind Gerson el aprobado). Este último fue el único cambio en relación a lo que nos habíamos planteado, ya que lamentablemente Madrazzo no estaba allí para defender su postulación. De cualquier forma creo que Belkind tiene también exelentes relaciones con los americanos, y el tema será ver como reponde a las exigencias que plantea esta nueva empresa.

Lo único que no se trató fue la representación de nuestra Sociedad en FISPGHAN. Tu ya no estabas allí, y no conversamos nada al respecto, así que me pareció prudente no cambiar nada. Lo que sí cambia es que ahora los representantes serán tú y D. Jaen como nuevo Presidente de la Soc. LA, y habrá que poner esto en conocimiento de FISPGHAN, salvo que tu pienses algo diferente.

Creo entonces que hay muchas cosas importantes por definir, así que espero tu pronta contestación y tus opiniones.

Un abrazo


E-mail encaminhado em: 11/07/2003

Ulysses Fagundes-Neto wrote:

Dear Stefano:
Find attached the Application form for World Congress 2008.

Best regards,


E-mail encaminhado em: 11/07/2003

Ulysses Fagundes-Neto wrote:

Dear Dick:
Find attached the Venue Application Form for the World Congress 2008.

Best regards,


E-mail encaminhado em: 11/07/2003

Richard Colletti wrote:

Thank you, Ulysses. I have forwarded it to Margaret, who will send it to the FISPGHAN Council.  I’ll be looking at it in the next couple of days.

Thank you very much! Best wishes & /Dick


E-mail encaminhado em: 11/07/2003

Ulysses Fagundes-Neto wrote:


Te envio material para tu analisis de la solicitud del Congreso Mundial.
Un fuerte abrazo,


E-mail encaminhado em: 11/07/2003

Joaquin Kohn wrote:


Me parece exelente el material enviado. Obviamente, se nota la mano profesional, de lo cual deduzco que ya has tenido importantes contactos con las empresas que habrán de participar en la organización.

Cuales son los siguientes pasos?
Un fuerte abrazo y cariños a la família


For your information. We will send a follow up email shortly.

Margaret K. Stallings
Executive Director

Application for the venue of the Third World Congress of Pedriatic Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition

The following document includes all data required as criteria for the selection of the venue for the III World Congress to be hosted by the Latin America Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (LASPGHAN) in 2008.

The project to select the site for the next World Congress consisted of a wide voting process. There were three cities candidate to host the Congress, as follows: Foz do Iguazu (Brazil), Cancun (Mexico) and Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). The President and the Council of LASPGHAN conducted the process of selecting the venue. Each member of the Society was encouraged to participate. The outcome of this survey was the election of Foz do Iguazu, Brazil and the indication of Ulysses Fagundes Neto as the Chair of the Host Executive Committee.

Therefore, the President and the Council of LASPGHAN are submitting the data of Foz do Iguazu and the leadership capabilities of the elected Chair and the Local Organizing Committee.

I. Effective leadership

a) The elected Chair

Name: Ulysses Fagundes Neto, MD, PhD
Nationality: Brazilian
Home Address: Rua Conselheiro Rodrigues Alves, 1247
São Paulo, Brazil
Zip Code: 04014 – 012
Telephone Number: 55 11 5579 0775
Work Address: Rua Botucatu, 740
São Paulo, Brazil
Zip Code: 04023 – 062
Telephone Number: 55 11 5576 4200
Fax Number: 55 11 5576 4313
e-mail address: [email protected]
Languages: Portuguese (native); English (fluent); Spanish (fluent); Italian/ French (basic)

Current appointment: Dean of UNIFESP (Federal University of São Paulo), which is the unique Public Federal University in Brazil specialized in health sciences, devoted to education, research and patient care.

Researcher IA – CNPq (Highest Graduation of Researcher of the National Research Council).

Recipient of the award of Commentator of the Order of the Scientific Merit of Brazil, distinguished by the President of Brazil, in September 2002.

Experience in organizing meetings:

President of the I Meeting of the Latin America Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 1975, São Paulo, Brazil.

President of the II Meeting of the Latin America Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 1977, São Paulo, Brazil.

President of the XII Congress of the Latin America Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 1996, São Paulo, Brazil.

President of the International Meeting of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 1997, São Paulo, Brazil.

President of the International Meeting of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 1998, São Paulo, Brazil.

Chairman of the International Forum of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 1999, São Paulo, Brazil.

Member of the International Executive Committee for the organization of the First World Congress of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, 1997 – 2000, representing the LASPGHAN. The Congress was held in Boston and received 2000 attendees.

Chairman of the International Meeting of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 2001, São Paulo, Brazil.

Chairman of the International Meeting of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 2002, São Paulo, Brazil.

Member of the Executive Committee of the Federation of the International Societies for the Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, 2000 – 2004.

b) Members of the Host Executive Committee:

Domingos Jaen (Venezuela), Jaime Bekind (Mexico) and Joaquim Kohn (Argentina) have been contacted at the LASPGHAN Government Meeting held on July 11th, 2003. Both Dr. Jaen and Dr. Kohn were Presidents of the Congresses of the Latin America Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition in 1994 and 2001, respectively.

Local Organizing Committee:

Mauro Batista Morais – São Paulo
Carlos Alberto Garcia Oliva – São Paulo
Vera Lucia Sdepanian – São Paulo
Elizabete Kawabami – São Paulo
Ramiro Azevedo – São Paulo
Themis Silveira – Rio Grande do Sul
Francisco Penna – Minas Gerais
Aderbal Sabrá – Rio de Janeiro
Hugo Ribeiro – Bahia
Mairon Lima – Brasília

c) Ability to form an effective and representative Host Executive Committee

Ulysses Fagundes Neto is Professor of Pediatrics, founder (1975) and former President of LASPGHAN (1996 – 1998), Chief of Pediatric Gastroenterology Division of UNIFESP (1994 – 1997), Chief of Pediatric Department (1997 – 2003) and Vice Dean (1999 – 2003) in charge of six hospitals of the UNIFESP Complex, involving major duties.

d) Fundraising skills

As a Chairman and President of the many events already mentioned above, Fagundes-Neto was capable to raise funds from U$100,000 to $300,000 for each event totalizing over U$ 1,000,000.

e) Fluency in English and electronic communication

Fagundes-Neto made his fellowship in Pediatric Research at the North Shore University Hospital, Cornell University (1977 – 1978), NY, USA, living two years in USA. In 1981, 1983, 1984 and 1985 received a Traveling – Visiting – Professorship at Cornell University (NY). He has also published many articles in major English Language Scientific Journals.

He has a fluency in electronic communication, which is mandatory for him to perform his every day duties and he is the Editor in Chief of the Electronic Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Nutrition and Liver Diseases ( and of the Brazilian Pediatric News (


II. Fundraising and Financial

a) Availability of financial resources

Brazil has subsidiaries of the major pharmaceutical industries with products focused on the Pediatric market such as Nestlé, Nutricia, Mead-Johnson, Janssen, Abbot, Johnson & Johnson and Glaxo. These industries are highly interested in investing in a country with over than a 90 millions of children and adolescents from 0 to 18 years old, with a significant market growth. Such a large number of biomedical industries are an important source of financial funding and logistic support.

Moreover, Brazil has several governmental financial agencies to support research and events organization, such as FAPESP (State), CNPq (Federal), FINEP (Federal).

b) Successful relationships with Biomedical industry

As already mentioned in item I.b, all the members of the Host Executive Committee have successfully raised funds for the major events listed above.

c) Money management

All the members of the host committee, mainly the Chair, have an administrative position in the Universities they have been working. Part of their daily duties includes budgeting, money management and fund raising from private and public organizations.

d) Security of funds

Brazil has branches of the most important international banks such as City Bank, Amro Bank, Santander and relevant and trustful national financial institutions such as Banco do Brasil and Bradesco. Big auditing offices are available in São Paulo where the Congress Head Office will be located.

The International Airport of Iguazu has operated 465,546 arrivals and departures in 2002.

The most important airline companies of the world fly to Brazil. The easiest way to go to Iguazu is to make a connection at São Paulo, the biggest airport in South America. Below you find a list of the companies operating at the São Paulo International Airport.

  • Aerolíneas Argentinas
  • Aeroméxico
  • Air Canada International
  • Air France
  • Alitalia
  • American Airlines
  • ANA Air Nippon Airways
  • Avianca
  • British Airways
  • BRA
  • Continental Airlines
  • TAP Air Portugal
  • United Airlines
  • Varig/TAM
  • Vasp
  • Via Brasil


You can reach Foz do Iguazu through three airports located in the different countries that are part of the tri-frontier where the city is located. The Brazilian Airport receives flights from São Paulo with the capacity of 961 passengers/day. The Argentinean Airport receives flights from Buenos Aires with the capacity of 870 passengers/day. The Paraguayan Airport receives flights from São Paulo and Assunción with the capacity of over 500 passengers/day.

Furthermore, the major Brazilian Company Varig/Tam already demonstrated its interest in providing extra flights and a discount package from all the cities it operates in the world to São Paulo (see the table below) and from São Paulo to Foz do Iguazu to fulfill the needs of the Congress Organization. A letter stating its interest will be sent to FISPGHAN Council in September 2003 as well as a cost table.

Each airline has several daily flights to Brazil. The list below is an example from VARIG/TAM.

IV. Attributes of the city

1) Attractiveness, tourist appeal

Iguazu (Foz do Iguaçu in Portuguese) was recently awarded with the prize for “Best National Destiny for Events” in the most relevant specialized magazine, known as “Caio Prize”. It has the entire infrastructure needed to hold major events. You can see bellow some of the following international meetings that were held there as well as the number of participants:

ICOH – International Congress on Occupation Health – 3000 people

(February 23 – 28th, 2003)

IV Health Management International Congress – 2000 people

(November 3rd – 5th, 2002)

ICOLD – International Commission on Large Dams – Brazilian Committee on Dams – 1700 people

(September 22nd – 27th, 2002)

IOSTE – International Organization for Science and Technology Education

(July 27th – August 2nd, 2002)

XXI RADLA – Annual Meeting of Latin American Dermatologists – 3000 people

(April 5th – 8th, 2001)

International Congress of Entomology – 4000 people

(August 26th-28th, 2000)


The following data brings more information about the city:

Total area: 433.3 km2; Urban area: 165.5 km2; Rural area: 161.2 km2; National Park: 106.6 km2

Location: extreme west of Paraná State, at the Brazilian border with Argentina and Paraguay.

Climate: subtropical humid, hot summers, rarely frost.

Temperature: the temperature varies between 49º F (minimum) and 99º F (maximum).

Height above sea level: 173 m.

Landscape: undulating hillsides of eruptive origin with clayish soil, deep and rich in organic matter. Subtropical rainforest around the National Park and low tropical forest along the river margins.

Hydrography: Nine small hydrographic basins, 7 of them round the perimeter of the municipal area.

Rivers: Paraná, Iguazu, São João, Yamanduá, Almada, M’Boicy, Monjolo and others.

Time: -3 hours Greenwich Time

Iguazu’s population has a varied and interesting ethnic composition. It has 266.771 inhabitants and hosts 57 of the earth’s 192 nationalities. Walking through the streets of the town, representatives of many nations can be seen, not only Paraguayans or Argentineans, but also Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, French, Bolivians, Chileans, Arabs, Portuguese, British, Israelis and others.

The waterfalls are one of the most spectacular natural beauties of the world. Visitors can enjoy the view by taking a walk around it and taking a boat ride to get closer. There are many other tourist spots and activities for children and adults such as rappel, fishing, long walking programs, bicycling, visiting birds and other animals’ parks, museums and helicopter flights over the falls. All these attributes make Foz do Iguazu the perfect place to receive families looking for leisure and eco-tourism.

b) Availability of comfortable 2-star to 5-star hotels

The list below contains the most important hotels in each category. There are many other hotels (the city has 125 hotels), but these are enough to show that the structure of the city can receive the estimated public for the Third World Congress of FISPGHAN without any problem. The city has 19,052 hotel beds according to the City’s Tourism Office.

c) Safety and medical facilities

Located far from big cosmopolitan cities as Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, Foz do Iguazu is a very safe place so visitors can walk around even at night without taking any risk.

There are six hospitals in the city and many 24hs drugstores, which can provide all the medical assistance necessary.

d) Local transportation and shuttles

Most of the hotels are located along a large avenue that goes from the airport to the city. This peculiar aspect makes transportation very easy. There is good level of public and private transportation available 24hs a day.

e) Attractive settings for social events and accompanying persons

As mentioned above there are many tourist attractions. Iguazu’s restaurants and hotels are specialized in promoting social and cultural events for congress attendees and their families.

f) Endorsement (and support) of the local government

Overnight courier, together with the Convention center’s information, will send an endorsing letter of the City Tourism Secretary and of the Minister of Tourism of Brazil.

g) Reflection of the culture of the host society

One of the reasons that Iguazu was chosen to be the venue of the Third Congress is its location in the frontier of three South-American countries. The culture of most of the South-American countries is reflected in the city through its inhabitants and artists. Visitors can witness this cultural variety in many shows and art exhibitions.

V. Convention Facilities

In order to be prepared for receiving 4,000 people of 27th International Congress on Occupational Health – ICOH 2003, a partnership between Idealiza Events, ICOH organizing committee and Mabu Hotel built a huge plenary room in the hotel, able to receive 3,300 seats. Besides the main rooms, Mabu Hotel has other 11 rooms, which are available simultaneously:

Between the rooms, two main corridors are normally used for exhibits and for poster sessions. The rooms can be also adapted for these purposes. The hotel also can provide small rooms for the scientific and organizing committees, VIP room and pressroom. A registration desk can be built at the hotel lobby, in the main entrance. The total area available is around 10,000 m2, totally equipped with central air conditioning. All rooms have fast internet connection.

Audiovisual facilities can be provided by a professional company, which has been working there for over 10 years.

Mabu Hotel has 200 apartments and 3 restaurants, able to receive simultaneously 1,100 people for lunch and dinner.

Third World Congress of FISPGHAN can also use ICOH 2003 structure, held in two hotels at the same time: Mabu Hotel and Bourbon Hotel, which are located less than 400 meters from each other. A very detailed transportation planning made possible for the attendees to easily commute between the two hotels. In each session, they could choose the scientific activities held in 17 simultaneous rooms.

Bourbon hotel has 300 apartments, 4 restaurants, and 10 plenary rooms. Two of them have the capacity for 500 people each. Six rooms for 130 people can be combined 2 by 2, 3 by 3 or the six together. The other two rooms can receive 130 people each.

VI. Meeting Management

The Chair of the Congress and the LASPGHAN Council have already contacted a company specialized in organizing big events in Foz do Iguazu.  This company named IDEALIZA has shown evidence of its successful experience in organizing international meetings, especially large medical meetings. Its services include registration and scientific papers management (on-line submission, organization of book of abstracts, registration reports etc.), congress secretariat (on-site registration, congress material, lecture room management etc.), periodical follow-up meetings and reports and all the activities involved in the management of a meeting.

IDEALIZA has a flexible bilingual team with people who have worked together in previous congresses and have experience in dealing with international attendees. In its last international event, the 27th International Congress on Occupational Health – ICOH 2003, held in Iguazu from 23rd to 28th February 2003, IDEALIZA received approximately 2500 attendees, from which only 650 were from Brazil. It received people from 79 different countries, from Angola to Zimbabwe, from Finland (161 persons), USA (79), Italy (87) and Japan (83). The official language of ICOH 2003 was English and in the lectures, there was translation to French, Spanish, Portuguese and English. IDEALIZA is completely at home in an English-speaking congress.

Still using ICOH 2003 as example, all the registrations, free paper and poster submissions have been received through the internet, as well as the communication with all the attendees, confirming their registration, the acceptance of abstracts and the solution of any doubts. IDEALIZA has developed, together with IT partners, two software specially designed to manage registration and scientific paper submissions. Electronic communication is a fundamental tool for its activities.

The role of its PCO in fundraising is to sell the commercial space of the exhibition, which is usually one of the main factors in making the congress viable. It has a remarkable history in dealing with the Pharmaceutical and Biomedical industry. It has established a continuous information flux with the industry actors and it is certainly considered a source of good business. Below follows a short list of companies, which have purchased spaces in congresses held or to be held this year:

  • Apsen
  • Astrazeneca
  • Aventis
  • Boehringer-Ingelheim
  • Merck Sharp & Dohme
  • Novartis
  • Pfizer
  • Roche
  • Schering AG
  • Schering-Plough
  • Serono Group
  • Solvay
  • TRB Chemedica
  • Thorens
  • Zodiac

IDEALIZA has also a successful relationship with the Public Administration of Iguazu, mainly through the Tourism Office and the Convention & Visitors Bureau. The contact with the public sector is an important source of partnership and cooperation, not to mention the assistance provided in bureaucratic matters.

VII. Time of year and weather

With a sub-tropical climate, Iguazu has very warm summers and rapid rains the whole year. Our suggestion for the Third World Congress of FISPGHAN would be between June and August, when the temperatures are a bit cooler and it is not rainy. Holding the Congress in one of these months, preferably August, has also the advantage to maintain the tradition of FISPGHAN Congresses.


E-mail encaminhado em: 14/08/2003

Richard Colletti wrote:

Dear Joaquin and Ulysses: I understand that Domingo Jaen is now the President of LASPGHAN.  As such he is now officially one of the two Councilors of FISPGHAN representing LASPGHAN. It is up to LASPGHAN to decide who shall be the second LASPGHAN representative to FISPGHAN.  I would appreciate it if you could notify me who the second LASPGHAN Councilor will be. I will add Domingo Jaen to the FISPGHAN Listserve so he can begin to become part of the FISPGHAN deliberations. I would be happy to discuss this with you if you have any questions about it. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Hasta luego! /Dick

Richard B. Colletti, MD
University of Vermont College of Medicine


E-mail encaminhado em: 18/08/2003

Domingo Jaen wrote:

Dear Dr. Colletti:

Thank for your letter.
I hope that these two years we can work together at the Fisphan council and also want to let you know that Ulisses Fagundes Neto, will continue as a member of the council.
Looking forward meet you at Montreal congress and talk about the relationship between societies,

Domingo Jaen


E-mail encaminhado: Richard Colletti wrote:

Dear FISPGHAN Councilors:

LASPGHAN has recently elected a new President, Domingo Jaen <[email protected]>, from Venezuela.  According to the by-laws of FISPGHAN, Dr. Jaen is now one of the two representatives of LASPGHAN to FISPGHAN.  Ulysses Fagundes Neto has been selected by LASPGHAN to be its second representative to FISPGHAN.

I would like to thank Joaquin Kohn for his service to FISPGHAN the last two years. I have personally enjoyed working with Joaquin, and I look forward to many years of friendship with Joaquin.

And I would like to officially welcome Domingo to the FISPGHAN Council. We look forward to having you join us in the last year of preparations for World Congress 2, and beginning preparations for World Congress 3.

Below is a list of the current subscribers to the FISPGHAN Listserve. Best wishes! /Dick

Mitchell Cohen [email protected]
Joaquin Kohn [email protected]
Hans Buller [email protected]
Peter Milla [email protected]
Martin Stern [email protected]
Margaret Stallings [email protected]
Olivier Goulet [email protected]
Quak Seng Hock [email protected]
Ulysses Fagundes Neto [email protected]
Peter Sullivan
[email protected]
Harland Winter [email protected]
Stefano Guandalini [email protected]
Domingo Jaen
[email protected]
Alfredo Guarino [email protected]
Geoff Cleghorn [email protected]
Richard Colletti [email protected]               

Richard B. Colletti, MD


E-mail encaminhado em: 19/08/2003

Stefano Guandalini wrote:

Sorry I am seeing these messages late, as I have been out of town for some time.
Of course I join Dick in his welcome message to Dr. Jaen, and in his words of thank and appreciation for Joaquin. Joaquin has shown from the beginning, when he replaced Roberto Calva, a fond interest for FISPGHAN, sharing with Ulysses the vision of this Federation as the leading and uniting force for the world of pediatric gastroenterology; the same vision that drove me in the first place to work at creating this entity.
Thanks, Joaquin, and thanks also to Ulysses, whose continuing presence (I believe he and I are the only “survivors” of the IEC that worked at organizing the first world congress!) is a guarantee of keeping our common vision alive and kicking.

Stefano Guandalini, M.D.
FISPGHAN President


E-mail encaminhado em: 23/10/2003

Ulysses Fagundes Neto wrote:

To: JOSE ALVES <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Super Calendário

Caro Alves:

Finalmente, houve uma conferência telefônica entre meus pares da FISPGHAN sobre a escolha do local do Congresso Mundial 2008, e ficou decidido que eles desejam fazer uma visita para melhor analisar a proposta. Em linhas gerais são favoráveis à nossa proposta, porém, desejam certificar-se pessoalmente sobre as condições de infra-estrutura do local, o que me parece perfeitamente razoável. A visita ficou acertada para janeiro 2004, falta confirmar a data exata. Serão 4 a 5 pessoas e, portanto, necessitaria que fossem providenciadas todas as condições para impressioná-los favoravelmente. Confio em você para que tudo saia 200% perfeito.

Um forte abraço,



E-mail encaminhado em: 23/10/2003

Jose Alves wrote:

Prezado Prof. Dr. Ulysses,

Adianto que 200% é pouco em face do que iremos fazer, a exemplo de outros grandes eventos que levamos para FOZ DO IGUAÇÚ o helicóptero desce no campo de futebol do próprio hotel recepcionado pela diretoria, metre e garçons, com muitos sucos de frutas tropicais, água de coco etc…etc…etc…
Este exemplo é só o começo…
Quanto às estadias, refeições e passeios conseguiremos FREE e as passagens estamos buscando.

Tão logo recebamos seu start com datas e nomes, enviaremos detalhado o “Site Inspection” e só metade do roteiro, a outra metade será surpresa!!!

Forte abraço

J. Alves


E-mail encaminhado em: 31/10/2003

Stefano Guandalini wrote:

Dear Ulysses,

Following up our conference call of a couple of weeks ago: we thought it would be best to come to Iguazu for our visit sometime in the middle of January 04 (3rd week?); we should arrive there either on a Sunday or preferably on a weekday (it will take about 20 hours from Chicago with the current flight schedules) and should remain – I think – 2-3 days so to allow a proper visit.

I was then thinking we should from there fly back via Rio, as it would be a pity for a trip of such importance (my first time ever to South America!!) not to include Rio, where perhaps another couple of days would be appropriate, leaving with a night flight.

So, in total we are envisaging some 5 days (+ 1 after we return to recuperate!!), roughly 3 in Iguazu and 2 in Rio. But your suggestions are welcome. With this kind of format, we would like to ask you to suggest the exact dates to choose, keeping in mind we need to include a Sunday to have better fares.

As for the participants, I believe the following is a tentative list of people I think will come (but input from the addressees of this message is also welcome):

1) You
2) Domingo Jaen
3) Dick Colletti
4) Margaret Stallings
5) Geoff Cleghorn
6) myself (and hopefully Greta will join me)

Please let me know as soon as you can your comments and the dates you recommend, so we can proceed with our Visa obligations and ticket purchases.

Thanks a lot! I personally can’t wait to do this exciting trip!!
Stefano Guandalini, M.D.
FISPGHAN President


E-mail encaminhado em: 31/10/2003

Geoff Cleghorn wrote:

Stefano this looks fine with me. The preferred route for me is across the Pacific via Santiago, Chile and Sao Paulo or via Buenos Aires. There are only limited (3 times each week) flights for me so please take this into consideration. Perhaps Ulysses or Margaret could check this for me. I will be out of contact for the next week in Bangkok. I will look forward to the progress



E-mail encaminhado em: 3/11/2003

Ulysses Fagundes-Neto wrote:
To: Guandalini, Stefano

Dear Stefano:

I totally agree with the date of the visit to Iguazu in January 04 (3rd week). I would recommend arriving in São Paulo on a Saturday and leaving to Iguazu on a Sunday night, so we can share some moments here and you would be able to visit my city during the weekend. I think 2 days are more than enough to visit Iguazu and then you can fly to Rio (of course a visit to Rio is mandatory) and then you can stay 3 days in Rio, since you will be plenty of things to do there, and mostly enjoying the beaches. I will be pleased to make all the arrangements for your stay in Rio and Iguazu. I also agree with the group of participants plus Joaquin Kohn.

I am looking forward to seeing you and our colleagues in Brazil next January, for sure we will have a great time together.

Best regards, arriverdeci


E-mail encaminhado em: 19/11/2003

Stefano Guandalini wrote:

Dear all,

As you know, we are organizing an on-site visit to possible sites of the 3rd World Congress of Pediatric GI, hosted in 2008 by LASPGHAN. Prof. Ulysses Fagundes-Neto has invited us to Iguazu, the site he proposes, for the 3rd week of January 2004.

The expected participants are:

  • Myself, as FISPGHAN Chair and ESPGHAN Representative
  • Dr. Dick Colletti, NASPGHAN Representative and FISPGHAN Secretary-Treasurer
  • Dr. Geoff Cleghorn, APPSPGHAN Representative
  • Dr. Hania Szajewska, as ESPGHAN Representative from Europe, nominated by Prof. Peter Milla
  • Ulysses Fagundes-Neto, Domingo Jaen and Joaquin Kohn from LASPGHAN
  • Margaret Stallings, FISPGHAN Executive Director

The plan is to arrive from our respective sites into Sao Paulo, Brazil, Saturday January 10, 2004; fly from there to Iguazu on the evening of Sunday January 11; visit there until we leave to Rio de Janeiro on either Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning; fly back home from there on either Friday or Saturday.

Please do let me know as soon as possible your adhesion to this plan, so that we cna then ask kindly to our LASPGHAN hosts to help us out in the details of the local arrangements. Clearly if anyone wants to arrive earlier or leave later, this is doable. Questions about financial coverage will have to be directed to Margaret Stallings.

Thanks for a quick reply!

Stefano Guandalini, M.D.
FISPGHAN President


E-mail encaminhado em: 26/11/2003

Joaquin Kohn wrote:


Cómo estás?

Yo regresé hace 48hs de Ecuador en donde estuve invitado para unas Jornadas Internacionales de GE realizadas por la Soc. de GE de ese país, y me encontré con este mail de S. Guandalini.

Yo no tendría inconvenientes en estar allí el 11/1/04, pero me gustaría conocer con alguna anticipacón cómo van las tratativas, en qué se ha avanzado en la propuesta de organización del congreso, en fin, todos los detalles que tu consideres necesarios conocer al momento de encontrarnos con los representantes de las otras Sociedades.

Además desearía conocer si esto es solventado por FISPGHAN, o si cada uno debe hacerlo por si mismo, en que hotel nos alojaríamos, etc, etc.

De acuerdo con esto, tú o D. Jaen podrían hacerle llegar a Guandalini la confirmación de que nos encontraríamos, salvo que prefieran que la confirmación se haga en forma individual.

Para una mayor integración de criterios y actitudes, estoy enviandote este e-mail con copia a nuestro común amigo Domingo, y estoy receptivo para cualquier sugerencia que me quieran hacer llegar.

Un abrazo para tí, y muchos cariños para Fabia y el resto de la flia.


E-mail encaminhado em: 30/11/2003

Richard Colletti wrote:

Ulysses: I hope you and your family are well.  Stefano and I are wanting to finalize our plans for our trip to Iguassu so all of us can purchase our tickets and get a visa (if necessary).  As you have suggested we will fly to Sao Paulo arriving Saturday January 10 and fly to Iguassu on Sunday January 11, then fly to Rio on Tuesday January 13 and then return home on Friday January 16.  We think it would make the most sense for all of us to fly from Sao Paulo to Iguassu together, and again from Iguassu to Rio together. So I have looked at the Varig flight schedule at to find the best flights for us.  It seems to me that the best flights (the shortest, either non-stop or no plane change, and not arriving late) would be the following:

Sunday January 11
Varig flight RG 2164
Departing 16:15hr Sao Paulo (GRU) Guarulhos International Airport Arriving 17:45hr Iguassu Falls (IGU) Cataratas Airport Non-stop

Tuesday January 13
Varig flight 2250
Departing 15:30hr Iguassu Falls (IGU) Cataratas Airport Arriving 18:40hr Rio de Janeiro (GIG) Rio International Airport
1 stop (in Sao Paulo), no plane change

I checked to see if flights to the domestic airports would be better, but they didn’t seem as good. What do you think of these suggested flights? Do they fit with your plans, or do you recommend other flights instead?

Please let us know soon.  We are looking forward to joining you for a wonderful visit to Brazil! Best wishes to Fabia. Muito obrigado! /Dick

Richard B. Colletti, MD


E-mail encaminhado em: 7/12/2003

Richard Colletti wrote:

Stefano has asked that I send this email to you about our plans for a site visit to Iguassu.  The participants will be Hania Szajewska, Krakow, Poland, representing ESPGHAN; Geoff Cleghorn, Brisbane, Australia, representing APPSPGHAN; Richard Colletti, Burlington, USA, Stefano Guandalini, Chicago, USA, and Margaret Stallings, Philadelphia, USA, as officers of FISPGHAN, ESPGHAN and NASPGHAN; and Ulysses Fagundes Neto, Sao Paulo, Brazil and I. Joaquin Kohn, Cordoba, Argentina of LASPGHAN (unfortunately Domingo Jaen will not be able to attend).

Here is information you will need to purchase your airline tickets:

We will all arrive in Sao Paulo on Saturday January 10. Ulysses will arrange accomodations for our brief visit in Sao Paulo before continuing to Iguassu Falls (Fos du Iguassu) on Sunday.  So we can all travel together from Sao Paulo to Iguassu (and then from Iguassu to Rio de Janeiro), please make your flight reservations to include the following


Sunday January 11
Varig flight 2164
Departing 16:15hr Sao Paulo (GRU) Guarulhos International Airport Arriving 17:45hr Iguassu Falls (IGU) Cataratas Airport Non-stop

Tuesday January 13
Varig flight 2250
Departing 15:30hr Iguassu Falls (IGU) Cataratas Airport Arriving 18:40hr Rio de Janeiro (GIG) Rio International Airport
1 stop (in Sao Paulo), no plane change

Plan to return home from Rio de Janeiro on Friday January 16.

Ulysses will also arrange hotel accommodations for our stay in Iguassu. Margaret Stallings will arrange hotel accommodations for our stay in Rio. (Ulysses, I assume that you and Joaquin, having been to Rio before, will not be continuing to Rio. Please let us know if you will be going to Rio with us.)

Each of us will make our own flight reservations for the entire trip, including the flights to and from Iguassu. Please obtain your tickets as soon as you can as the cost generally increases with later purchases. (Geoff: please contact Margaret before booking yours.)


Please reply by email that you received this email. And let me know if you have any questions. Best wishes! /Dick

Richard B. Colletti, MD

E-mail encaminhado em: 16/12/2003

Margaret K. Stallings wrote:

Hi Ulysses – I am looking forward to our trip to Brazil and seeing you on your “home turf”. Can you let me know what hotel arrangments have been made for everyone when you get a chance for Sao Paulo and Iguassu. I would like to make an itinerary and send it to everyone. Also, since we are going home via Rio, I am going to try and see the Convention Center/meeting facilities there – as the Executive Director I feel it is part of my job. I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday season and I look forward to seeing you in January.

Margaret K. Stallings
Executive Director


E-mail encaminhado em: 16/12/2003

Ulysses Fagundes-Neto wrote:

Dear Margaret:

I am also looking forward to seeing the whole group of friends in São Paulo next January. I do not have the name of the hotel you are going to saty yet, but you should not be worried about it. Nestlé company is going to take care of you during your stay in São Paulo. A Nestlé representative will be present at the airport to pick you up and take you to the hotel when you arrive in São Paulo. Anyhow as soon as I have the name of the hotel I will let you know. By the way if by any chance there will be a tragedy of misencounter when you arrive my home phone number is: 5579-0775; cell 9689-1422, and I will be at home that time. I planned a sightseeing Saturday afternoon and a nice dinner at night. In Iguazu we will stay at Mabu Hotel.

By the way I need the schedule of the trip to São Paulo of each member of the FISPGHAN group, so the Nestlé representative can be aware of the airline company, the respective number of flight and time of arrival on Saturday 10 in São Paulo.

Merry Christmas and Happy new year.


E-mail encaminhado em: 09/01/2014

Vanessa Delboni wrote:

Sr. Ulysses Fagundes Neto,

Ref.: Confirmação da Visita técnica no Mabu Thermas & Resort

Conforme contatos mantidos anteriormente, estamos confirmando a visita técnica no Mabu Thermas & Resort, sendo:

Acomodação: 07 apartamentos Singles (conforme nomes já informados)

Período: 11 a 13 de janeiro de 2004

As diárias serão concedidas em caráter de cortesia com café da manhã e o jantar (dia 12/01) no restaurante Dumont. 

Programação da visita:

Dia 11/01
– Chegada em Foz do Iguaçu de todos os passageiros por volta das 17:30 hs (Vôo – RG 2164)
A Acquatur Turismo estará recepcionandô-os e realizando o transfer do aeroporto/hotel. A Acquatur estará com uma plaquinha em nome do Sr. Ulysses Fagundes Neto.
 – às 20:00 hs – Jantar agendado na Churrascari Rafain.

Dia 12/01
– após o café da manhã o grupo sairá para realizar os passeios, juntamente com a Acquatur Turismo.
– horário da visita técnica (a definir)
– por volta das 20:00 hs – jantar no Restaurante Dumont.

Dia 13/01
– às 07:00 – Saída do vôo do Sr. Ulysses Fagundes Neto.
– às 15:30 – Saída do vôo dos demais participantes do grupo.

A Sra. Irianne Holler (gerente comercial) irá recepcioná-los no hotel, e posteriormente realizar a visita técnica.
O Sr. Bastian da Acquatur Turismo, estará realizando os transfers in / out, os passeios e agendando a churrascaria para o grupo.

Estaremos a sua inteira disposição para quaisquer eventualidades.

Vanessa Delboni
Mabu Hotéis & Resorts


E-mail encaminhado em: 18/01/2004

Richard Colletti wrote:

Ulysses: it was wonderful to see you in Brazil last week. As expected Iguassu was fantastic.  I would like to followup on our discussion about who can be Chair of the FISPGHAN Council.  I had said that the Chair had to be a member of the Society hosting the next World Congress. But on re-reading the By-laws I realize they say “Unless there is a compelling reason, the Chair will be selected from the Host Member Society.” So it is technically possible to have someone from another Society be Chair, but it is the intent of the By-laws to have someone from the Host Society. We can discuss this further in Paris if you like. Best wishes to you and Fabia.


Richard B. Colletti, MD  


E-mail encaminhado em: 17/02/2004

Margaret Stallings wrote:

To: <[email protected]>
Cc: “Stefano Guandalini” [email protected]; “Richard B Colletti” [email protected]

Subject: VARIG

Hi Julio – As you may remember, we met in Iguassu Falls with Dr. Fagundes Neto. We are leaving for Paris tomorrow to meet with the FISPGHAN Council and discuss the site for the World Congress in 2008. We had hoped to have the letter from VARIG at that time. Can you give me an update? I will also try to reach you on your cell phone today.

Margaret K. Stallings
Executive Director


E-mail encaminhado em: 17/02/2004

Julio Urban wrote:

Hello Margaret

We just send these letters to Dr Fagundes by mail to Sao Paulo (Varig, Vasp, Tam and Aerolineas Argentinas). I hope you could decide for Iguassu 2008.

Thank you in advance and have a nice trip.

Julio Urban
Idealiza Eventos


Date: 20-21 February 2004

Place: Le Palais des Congres de Paris

Federation of International Societies of
Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
FISPGHAN Meeting Minutes

Site of the 3rd World Congress

G. Cleghorn presented the report of the site visit to Brazil in January. The site visit group recommended that the 3rd World Congress be held in Iguassu, Brazil with an English language Postgraduate Course in Rio de Janeiro to be held prior to and concurrent with a Spanish and Portuguese language course in Iguassu. Letters from Varig and TAM airlines, and other supporters, were presented to the Council.  The Council voted unanimously to accept the recommendation of the site visiting team.  U. Fagundes Neto will briefly announce the site of the 3rd WC during the last 3 minutes of the Tuesday Plenary Session. 




E-mail encaminhado em: 26/02/2004

Ulysses Fagundes-Neto wrote:

To: Dr Kohn

Querido amigo:

En primer lugar una buena, o mejor, una óptima notícia para nosotros sobre el Mundial 2008. Iguazu fue aprobada por unanimidad en la última reunión de FISPGHAN realizada en Paris en el dia 21 de Febrero. Asi ya tendremos mucho trabajo por adelante y sobre esto me gustaria hablar contigo por teléfono, por favor dame el número mas facil y horário para que podamos charlar con tranquilidad.

Con relación a tu pregunta nuestra especialidad es reconocida por la Sociedad Brasileira de Pediatria ya hace algunos años, te sugiero entres en contacto con Mauro Morais para mayor esclarecimiento a respecto.

Un fuerte abrazo,



E-mail encaminhado em: 26/02/2004

Joaquin Kohn wrote:


GRANDE !!!!!!!!!!!  Costó pero se consiguió…. Hubo alguna observación o comentario ?

Estuviste sólo o con Domingo ? Bien, ahora comienza lo peor, la parte brava en serio. Bueno supongo que lo hablaremos cuando me llames. Mi   TE es 54-351-4232560
Mañana (domingo) estaré seguro entre las 11.30 y las 16hs.
O bien me puedes llamar en los días de trabajo a la noche, después de las 21 hs. El jueves de la semana próxima no estaré en Córdoba, ya que viajo a BsAs a acompañar a mi hija y nieta que parten para Francia por un año.

Gracias por los datos sobre la especialidad. Mandé mail a Mauro y a Vera, pero no recibí contestación de ellos.
Un abrazo para tí, y cariños a Fabia y a la flia.


E-mail encaminhado em: 27/02/2004

Ulysses Fagundes-Neto wrote:

To: Domingo Jaen
Subject: Re: Mundial Iguazu

Estimado amigo Domingo:
Creo que logramos un gran tento en Paris en la última semana, ahora nos toca empezar un trabajo que dignifique nuestra Sociedad y nuestra Latino América. Estoy seguro que formaremos un equipo unido, sólido y competente. Me parece importante que tu como presidente de nuestra Sociedad haga el anuncio oficial para todos los sócios de lo decidido en Paris e inclusive ya tambnién comunicar la composición del Host Executive Committee (no sé como llamaríamos en español, hay que inventar un nombre para uso interno). Yo nunca he hablado con nuestro colega Jaime de Mexico sobre el tema ni siquiera tengo su dirección electrónica, me gustaria entrar en contacto con el, si la tienes favor mandamela. Me gustaria también hacer una reunión inicial de nuestro grupo (HEC) antes de julio para que podamos trazar planes concretos para el futuro, invitaria a ustedes para un fin de semana aca en São Paulo, pienselo una fecha que te convendria mejor, por ejemplo durante el fin de semana de la semana Santa (9/10/11 de abril) que es mas largo, la nuestra Sociedad tiene fondos para financiar el boleto aéreo de ustedes tres y yo trataria de conseguir financiación para la estancia acá en São Paulo. Favor enviar tu opinión sobre todo esto a la brevedad.

Un fuerte abrazo,



E-mail encaminhado em: 12/03/2004

Ulysses Fagundes-Neto wrote:

Querido amigo Cueto:

Finalmente conseguimos transformar un viejo sueño en realidad. En fines de Febrero en Paris el Consejo de FISPGHAN aprobo por unanimidad nuestra solicitud de organizar el Congreso Mundial 2008 en Iguazu. En aquella noche he soñado con nuestro gran maestro Toccalino, estabamos en un gran salón ambos usando traje y el me abrazaba diciendo emocionado finalmente conseguimos conquistar lo que siempre deseabamos y merecíamos. Cuando me desperté por la mañana me di cuenta que habia estado conmigo durante toda la reunión del dia anterior. Fue lindo sentir la enorme emoción de tenerlo tan cerca de mí.

Un fuerte abrazo,



E-mail encaminhado em: 12/03/2004

Eduardo Cueto wrote:


Es que efectivamente Toccalino estuvo ahi, yo lo supe.
Tocca, no se puede perder ese momento.

Un abrazo



E-mail encaminhado em: 4/05/2004

Domingo Jaen wrote:

Latin American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology Hepatolgy and Nutrition (LASPGHAN) is constituted by specialists from 19 countries of the subcontinent as well as from Spain and Portugal. It represents the desire of numerous colleagues to stimulate the divulgation of knowledge and research in an area particularly sensitive: children’s health. Our countries with their enormous political and economical problems have in scientific research an inestimable resource to foster health development for all and in particular, children.

Since LASPGHAN foundation in 1975 it has encouraged and supported research in pediatric Gastroenterology by organizing biennial meetings, with increasing colleagues participation, that allow the presentation and discussion of autochthonous research. This papers contribute with knowledge and its applicability to the development of our little patients health.

The immense opportunity to the Pediatric Gastroenterology advance that has meant the FISPGHAN foundation, without doubt has given an enormous impulse to our Organization with support of the World Congresses.

LASPGHAN will be responsible for the Third World Congress Organization of our speciality. This meeting wil be held in Iguazú, Brasil, a place that besides its wonderful nature, represents with the coincidence of three frontiers, Bresil, Argentina, and Paraguay, the union of our countries.

LASPGHAN welcomes all in 2008 to enjoy the scientific development, the magnificent nature and our proverbial hospitality.

Welcome to Iguazú 2008!!!

La Sociedad Latinoamericana de Gastroenterología, Hepatología y Nutrición Pediátrica está constituida por especialistas de 19 países del subcontinente así como de España y Portugal.

Representa el deseo de un gran número de colegas de estimular la divulgación del conocimiento y la investigación en un área que en América Latina es especialmente sensible: la niñez.

Nuestros países, con sus enormes problemas políticos y económicos, tienen en la investigación científica un recurso inestimable para propiciar el desarrollo de la salud para todos, especialmente en sus niños.

La SLAGHNP desde su fundación en 1975 ha estimulado y propiciado la investigación en gastroenterología pediátrica organizando reuniones interanuales que, con la participación de cada vez mayor número de colegas, permiten la presentación y discusión de trabajos autóctonos que aportan conocimiento y la aplicabilidad de los mismos al desarrollo de la salud en nuestros pequeños pacientes.

La enorme oportunidad para el avance de la gastro-pediatría que ha sido la fundación de FISPGHAN, sin duda ha dado un gran impulso a nuestra Organización con el patrocinio de los Congresos Mundiales.

La SLAGHNP será la Sociedad responsable de la organización del 3er Congreso Mundial de nuestra especialidad. Esta reunión será realizada en Iguazú, Brasil; un lugar que además de la belleza natural que exhibe, representa con sus tres fronteras Brasil, Argentina y Paraguay la unión de nuestros países.

La SLAGHNP dará la bienvenida a todos en 2008 para el disfrute del desarrollo científico, en conjunto con la belleza del paisaje y nuestra proverbial hospitalidad.

Bienvenidos a Iguazú 2008!!

Domingo Jaen Doreste
Sociedad Latinoamericana de Gastroenterología, Hepatología y Nutrición Pediátrica